EWTN Father Clifford Daily Video Reflections-- EWTN Father Clifford Daily Video Reflections-The Grief of God, Vol. III January 9, 2011More
EWTN Father Clifford Daily Video Reflections--
EWTN Father Clifford Daily Video Reflections-The Grief of God, Vol. III
January 9, 2011
The words of Fr Clifford echo the words of Jesus and leave a profound effect on all listeners. God bless you ✍️ .
Rest in Peace Father Clifford.... I know you are in the arms of our Lord... 🤗
👍 Thank you all, and especially to Father Clifford and EWTN.
This is what real oratory is all about; this is what all priests ought to sound like!!! The English language is used with masterful skill and articulated like a genius painter uses his brush! Only beautiful language is fit to communicate the beauty of God!
Let all the world hear the beauty of the English language; let the clergy learn how to speak!
Thank you dear sister Irapuato!
👍 🤗More
This is what real oratory is all about; this is what all priests ought to sound like!!! The English language is used with masterful skill and articulated like a genius painter uses his brush! Only beautiful language is fit to communicate the beauty of God!

Let all the world hear the beauty of the English language; let the clergy learn how to speak!

Thank you dear sister Irapuato!

👍 🤗
✍️ Thank you Irapatua - sound teaching builds up the Tody of Christ - Blessings - Rene
I am out of breath; it was so impressive that I forgot to breathe while listening! I think all of us shoud think about what he said, he spoke words of deep truth! We should meditate upon our sins, go to confession - and make God happy by trying to live as His child, even if it doesn't usually work that way. 🙏
Thank you, Irapuato!
EWTN Father Clifford Daily Video Reflections