Gloria TV News on the 8th of November. New Amendment in Mississippi German Bishops Distribute Pornography Diwali Celebration in Catholic School 40 Days for Life Was a Great SuccessMore
Gloria TV News on the 8th of November.

New Amendment in Mississippi
German Bishops Distribute Pornography

Diwali Celebration in Catholic School

40 Days for Life Was a Great Success
Thank you all 😘
I am glad to be back 👏
Holy Cannoli
Lucia has a professional demeanor yet a gentle countenance. Add to that her native sounding pronunciation of German proper names and her melodious voice, I believe she is an asset to Gloria.tv and would be excellent giving the German news.
Lucia has a professional demeanor yet a gentle countenance. Add to that her native sounding pronunciation of German proper names and her melodious voice, I believe she is an asset to Gloria.tv and would be excellent giving the German news.

🤗 hi, Lucia 👏
holyrope 3
Thank you Luchinka! 🤗 www.latinmasstimes.com
Holy Cannoli
So, “Following Jesus in all we do” now includes a week long celebration of Diwali which includes learning the story of Ramayana, a major Hindu scripture; making rangoli patterns and clay divas; dressing up in Indian clothes; participating in Indian dancing?
How wonderful!
Perhaps these very young skulls full of mush who “Follow Jesus in all we do” will continue in their political correctness …More
So, “Following Jesus in all we do” now includes a week long celebration of Diwali which includes learning the story of Ramayana, a major Hindu scripture; making rangoli patterns and clay divas; dressing up in Indian clothes; participating in Indian dancing?

How wonderful!

Perhaps these very young skulls full of mush who “Follow Jesus in all we do” will continue in their political correctness indoctrination by being treated to a week long celebration of the pagan Roman holiday of Saturnalia, the Winter Solstace, since that time is fast approaching.


And, for our African-American bruthers and sistas residing in this politically correct asylum, what about Kwanzaa?



Thanks for the news.
You look especailly nice today, Doina.

While one does not believe in the feast of Divali and the pagan gods which it represents, one must never go so far as to forbid the wearing of a sahri or Indian clothing. Or to 'run' from them (the hinus) as if they were infected with some terminal plague, is quite insular and xenophobic.
Is it not culturally myopic and border-line racist to forbid children from learning of other cultures? Were …More
While one does not believe in the feast of Divali and the pagan gods which it represents, one must never go so far as to forbid the wearing of a sahri or Indian clothing. Or to 'run' from them (the hinus) as if they were infected with some terminal plague, is quite insular and xenophobic.

Is it not culturally myopic and border-line racist to forbid children from learning of other cultures? Were they partaking in the Hindu religious rites and rituals? From this video, it does not seem so, so what is the problem?

One wonders if there are any ethnic chaps in Sedrun; or maybe they are not allowed to be in ethnic clothing; their appearance is 'ethnic' enough - this might be too "different"..... unfortunate really.....