Pope Benedict: Vatican state works for progress. In its 80 year history the Vatican State has proved itself to be adaptable and capable of rising to both past and future challenges .. be they related …More
Pope Benedict: Vatican state works for progress.

In its 80 year history the Vatican State has proved itself to be adaptable and capable of rising to both past and future challenges .. be they related to the Popes mission, the Churchs needs or the constantly changing situation in society. Pope Benedicts remarks came in an address to participants at the seminar marking the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts signed on February the 11th, 1929. The Pope especially praised the far-sighted work carried out by Pope Pius the 11th who wanted the Treaty in order to give the church full independence. Today the Vatican State, with its treasures of faith, history and art, is the custodian of a precious heritage for all mankind. And from its heart at t ...