Follow the Star: World Nativities. GlencairnMuseum on Nov 22, 2011 See how Christians around the world have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional and local cultures, in …More
Follow the Star: World Nativities.
GlencairnMuseum on Nov 22, 2011 See how Christians around the world have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional and local cultures, in our third annual exhibition featuring crèches from around the world. The three-dimensional Nativity scenes, made from local materials with regionally distinctive clothing, animals and structures, compliment the museum's collection of Nativity art dating from medieval times through the early 20th century. The Glencairn collection includes crèches made in countries traditionally associated with production of Nativity sets, such as Germany, Italy, Poland and Latin America. It also includes some made in countries typically not associated with crèches, such as Laos, Nepal, Egypt and Ethiopia. Artistic settings for the Nativity figures have been created by Bryn Athyn artisan Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.
Follow the Star: World Nativities Exhibition at Glencairn Museum 2011-12
See how Christians around the world have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional and local cultures, in our third annual exhibition featuring crèches from around the world. The three-dimensional Nativity scenes, made from local materials with regionally distinctive clothing, animals and structures …More
Follow the Star: World Nativities Exhibition at Glencairn Museum 2011-12
See how Christians around the world have adapted the Nativity scene to represent their own national, regional and local cultures, in our third annual exhibition featuring crèches from around the world. The three-dimensional Nativity scenes, made from local materials with regionally distinctive clothing, animals and structures, compliment the museum's collection of Nativity art dating from medieval times through the early 20th century. The Glencairn collection includes crèches made in countries traditionally associated with production of Nativity sets, such as Germany, Italy, Poland and Latin America. It also includes some made in countries typically not associated with crèches, such as Laos, Nepal, Egypt and Ethiopia. Artistic settings for the Nativity figures have been created by Bryn Athyn artisan Kathleen Glenn Pitcairn.