Town of Taxco - Great Attractions (Mexico) geobeats on Oct 26, 2010 Santa Prisca Church, located in the main plaza, is so extravagant it nearly bankrupted its builder, José de la Borda. Artisan goods …More
Town of Taxco - Great Attractions (Mexico)

geobeats on Oct 26, 2010 Santa Prisca Church, located in the main plaza, is so extravagant it nearly bankrupted its builder, José de la Borda.

Artisan goods can be found throughout Taxco, though they mostly take a back seat to the silver works of the town.

Nearly 50,000 people live in Taxco, and lead relatively simple lives.

Taxco was named one of Mexico's "Pueblos Magicos," as much for its man-made silver work as its natural surroundings.
😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 Besitos a las 2 😇 🤗
Josefina Rojo
Yo te quiero mucho y también te admiro much 😘
😁 🙄 ?Líder? 🤫 MsPandeVida, ?quieres crearme más "enemigos??? 😉 ☕ 😎
👏 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 😎 MIRA JOSEFINA !!
👏 👏 👏
😁 🤒 !Ay, cómo haces que me avergüence...! 🙏 Lo que tengo, es del Sr, y 👏 le agradezco que me dio una mamá Santa, que siempre se ha sacrificado por sus hijos, para que estudiésemos y apreciáramos lo mejor de nuestra cultura 👏 🙏 🙏
Josefina Rojo
Cuanta cultura tienes y el gusto tan elevado por tus muchos y fabulosos viajes que siempre has encausado a la fe. Gracias por todo lo que nos compartes. Dios te bendiga. 😘
😘 GRACIAS, Josefina.. ✍️ y Gracias al Cielo, he podido visitar esta bellísima iglesia... 😁 La película, "Macario", en parte fue filmada en Taxco 👍
Macario - eng subs
The Parish of Santa Prisca y San Sebastían, commonly referred to as the Santa Prisca Church, is located on the east side of the main plaza of Taxco, and is one of the few Baroque buildings in the state of Guerrero.[2] It was built between 1751 and 1758 by José de la Borda (ca. 1700–1778), who had made a great fortune in the silver mines surrounding the town. Despite his wealth, however, the opulence …More
The Parish of Santa Prisca y San Sebastían, commonly referred to as the Santa Prisca Church, is located on the east side of the main plaza of Taxco, and is one of the few Baroque buildings in the state of Guerrero.[2] It was built between 1751 and 1758 by José de la Borda (ca. 1700–1778), who had made a great fortune in the silver mines surrounding the town. Despite his wealth, however, the opulence of the church nearly bankrupted him.[5] The church is narrower than most due to the lack of flat land on which to build in the area.[8] It is built with pink stone, flanked by two towers which are plain in the lower half but highly decorated in the upper bell portions. The crown overlooking the main portal has a representation of the Assumption of Mary.[2] The cupola is covered in colored tile.[8] Inside, there are a number of floor-to-ceiling altarpieces, all covered in gold. The main altarpiece is dedicated to the church’s two patron saints.[2] Vibrations from blasts in nearby mining operations, earthquakes, and automobile traffic caused cracks in Santa Prisca’s vaults, and a restoration project began in 1997. To help the restoration project be carried to completion, the World Monuments Fund listed the church in the 2000 World Monuments Watch and provided funding from American Express and the Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage for the conservation of walls, vaults, and the sacristy of the church.[10]
Legend of Santa Prisca
There is a legend associated with the Santa Prisca Church. While it was in construction, José de la Borda left Taxco on business to Guanajuato, leaving construction work to the builders. Soon after Borda left, the sky filled with black clouds and cold winds struck the streets, whistling through the towers of the unfinished church. The dark and cold terrified the workmen as the large storm approached. Suddenly a large bolt of lightning struck showing an undefined black silhouette that was swooping down on the church. Then it struck the cupola of the church, lighting it brilliantly. All of the tile covering the cupola began to shine with strange lights, allowing the inscription “Gloria a Dios en las alturas y paz en la tierra a los hombres de buena voluntad” (Glory to God in the Highest and peace on earth for men with good will) to be seen clearly. The whole town got down on their knees to pray, fearing that angry demons would destroy the church. Floating around the church were flashes of light and above the church appeared a beautiful woman who, smiling and with a peaceful face, caught the following lightning bolts in her hands.

Josefina Rojo
👏 👏 👏 👏 😘 😘 😘 👍 👏
El Templo de Santa Prisca es un monumento colonial que se localiza en la ciudad de Taxco de Alarcón, en el norte del estado de Guerrero, México. Se trata de un edificio construido en la década de 1750 (más precisamente, entre los años 1751 y 1758), dedicado para el culto católico en esa población cuya principal actividad fue —y sigue siendo— la minería de la Plata.
La construcción fue ordenada …More
El Templo de Santa Prisca es un monumento colonial que se localiza en la ciudad de Taxco de Alarcón, en el norte del estado de Guerrero, México. Se trata de un edificio construido en la década de 1750 (más precisamente, entre los años 1751 y 1758), dedicado para el culto católico en esa población cuya principal actividad fue —y sigue siendo— la minería de la Plata.
La construcción fue ordenada por el minero catalán José de la Borda, uno de los más prósperos de la región taxqueña por el siglo XVIII. Aunque había llegado a Taxco sólo unos treinta y cinco años antes de la construcción del templo de Santa Prisca, José de la Borda ya era uno de los personajes más importantes del mineral, razón por la cual Arzobispado de México le permitió erigir la parroquia a su entero gusto.
Desde 1758 hasta 1806, el templo fue el edificio más alto de México, pero fue sobrepasado por el Templo de Nuestra Señora del Carmen[1]
