Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of August. Obama, Timothy Dolan, Rahm Emanuel , Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A , Michelle Martin , Justice HedleyMore
Gloria.TV News on the 2nd of August.

Obama, Timothy Dolan, Rahm Emanuel , Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A , Michelle Martin , Justice Hedley
Patrzę na te warkoczyki u Pani Redaktor. 😀 😀
W podstawówce miałam podobne i robiłam z nich koszyczki. Takie niewinne skojarzenie...
Ale one są prawdziwe, prawda? 😉 😁 😉
holyrope 3
Yes she does...Hooplaaa ! 😊 👏 😁
Holy Cannoli
The Ruskies and Poles soak their pickles in Wódka for at leas 48 hrs. After eating a few of these special pickles the honey becomes optional but an unmistakeable glow appears on their faces. Doesn't Doina look a little happier today than usual?
😁 😀More
The Ruskies and Poles soak their pickles in Wódka for at leas 48 hrs. After eating a few of these special pickles the honey becomes optional but an unmistakeable glow appears on their faces. Doesn't Doina look a little happier today than usual?

😁 😀
Good afternoon, Doina, is a great joy to see you giving the news from home. Thanks for the touch of humor with cucumbers. Greetings to Lucia. Blessings to you and your family. 👍 🤗
Oops. The story about the poisoned cucumbers was about the Prophet Elisha, not Elijah. Maybe there is another explanation.
I presume that the custom of eating cucumbers on the feast of the Prophet Elisha refers to the poisoned stew in 2 Kings 8:38-41. The stew was poisoned with wild cucumbers, but Elisha miraculously made it safe to eat.
'When Elisha returned to Gilgal, there was a famine in the land. Once, when the guild prophets were seated before him, he said to his servant, “Put the large pot on, and make some …More
I presume that the custom of eating cucumbers on the feast of the Prophet Elisha refers to the poisoned stew in 2 Kings 8:38-41. The stew was poisoned with wild cucumbers, but Elisha miraculously made it safe to eat.

'When Elisha returned to Gilgal, there was a famine in the land. Once, when the guild prophets were seated before him, he said to his servant, “Put the large pot on, and make some vegetable stew for the guild prophets.” Someone went out into the field to gather herbs and found a wild vine, from which he picked a sackful of poisonous wild gourds.
'On his return he cut them up into the pot of vegetable stew without anybody’s knowing it. The stew was served, but when they began to eat it, they cried, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” And they could not eat it.
'He said, “Bring some meal.” He threw it into the pot and said, “Serve it to the people to eat.” And there was no longer anything harmful in the pot.'
Thank you Doina for the news, you do a superb job! And you look beautiful too!
✍️ thanks doina ,for the news and all at gloria.tv for their hard and professionally,presented,work.....i should say hard work for making this site possible. ..yours in christ delagotti
Holy Cannoli
Regarding Obama's appearance before the Catholic Charities event:
Under "normal" circumstances, I think it would be an outrage to invite him. In light of the HHS mandate and his vigorous stand against any pro-Life position, I think that it is even more of an outrage, and that it is an out-and-out betrayal by New York Catholic Charities, of what we, as practicing Catholics, stand for.
Another …More
Regarding Obama's appearance before the Catholic Charities event:
Under "normal" circumstances, I think it would be an outrage to invite him. In light of the HHS mandate and his vigorous stand against any pro-Life position, I think that it is even more of an outrage, and that it is an out-and-out betrayal by New York Catholic Charities, of what we, as practicing Catholics, stand for.

Another interesting stat:
Catholic voters in the United States are evenly split in their support for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney for president, mirroring the national trend. However, Hispanic Catholics — about 18% of the total group of Catholic voters — are overwhelmingly likely to support Obama over Romney, while a majority of non-Hispanic white Catholics support Romney.

I wonder why Hispanic Catholics would support the most anti-life, pro-sodomy, pro-contraceptive, anti-Catholic president in America's History
Thanks for the news, Doina.
You look lovely as usual.

Thanks for the news....Gosh! Cucumber and honey? How interesting... thanks for that cultural information. 😇 👍