A Beautiful Story. This story was told to me years back and it really touched me and spoke to me. I hope it will do the same for you guys. Because the story was told to me a few years ago, I know I am …More
A Beautiful Story.

This story was told to me years back and it really touched me and spoke to me. I hope it will do the same for you guys. Because the story was told to me a few years ago, I know I am telling it a bit differently but the moral is still the same. I just have to share this story to you all. Remember to let me know who the author is if you know ^_^

Remember guys, flaws make you the unique person that makes you who you are =)

Never underestimate yourself. Have faith and Hope in yourself and others. Just like Mud, it may look useless and dirty to some. But to others, its valuable. Once its scooped off the ground, it will become Clay and has every opportunity to turn into a piece of beautiful art work
~~By Bubbi (Lindy Tsang)
Clara Mu.
A gentile wisdom. But wisdom.