Gloria.TV News on the 19th of February 2013 Vatican At the moment, the mistery of a missing encyclical is worrying Catholic journalists. In December, Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said …More
Gloria.TV News on the 19th of February 2013

At the moment, the mistery of a missing encyclical is worrying Catholic journalists. In December, Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said that Pope Benedict's fourth encyclical on faith, would be released in the first half of 2013. But on the day after the announcement of the pope's resignation, Lombardi announced that Benedict XVI would not issue another encyclical after all. The news was surprising because it suggested that Pope Benedict had abandoned the most prominent teaching project of his pontificate just before its completion. This, even though Father Lombardi said that the pope had pondered resignation for several months, and the Vatican newspaper reported that he first considered the move in March 2012.
United States
Philadelphia archbishop Charles Chaput has announced some changes in the service of the permanent deacons of his archdiocese. In future, the permanent deacons will be delegated to assist at marriages. They will wear clerical attire, a gray clerical shirt with a white collar, in the exercise of their ministry. The ordinary age for admission to permanent diaconate formation will be raised from 50 to 55 years of age.
John Allen has recalled the words, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger uttered in 1997 in front of the Bavarian TV. To the question whether the Holy Spirit is responsible for who gets elected during a conclave he replied that he doesn't believe that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope. Quote: The Spirit’s role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined.
In an interview with the Italian public radio the sex-obsessed heresiarch Fr Hans Küng expressed his private hopes for the March conclave. In the Church there is according to Küng – quote - the problem of woman and sex”. For him it is necessary to reflect on the themes of sexuality, to finally overcome the encyclical Humanae Vitae, and to stop considering the woman as a – how Küng puts it - second-class being. Küng also criticized the Pope, who according to him wanted to reunite the Church with the tradition and instead broke with tradition by resigning.
La píldora del día siguiente (Levonorgestrel 0.75 mg), también conocida como anticoncepción oral de emergencia o AOE, es una hormona sintética en dosis 5 a 15 veces mayor a la existente en los anticonceptivos comunes, incrementando los efectos secundarios.
No es medicamento ni vacuna. No cura ni previene enfermedad alguna. Al ingerir las dos pastillas recomendadas es como si se tomara 50 …More
La píldora del día siguiente (Levonorgestrel 0.75 mg), también conocida como anticoncepción oral de emergencia o AOE, es una hormona sintética en dosis 5 a 15 veces mayor a la existente en los anticonceptivos comunes, incrementando los efectos secundarios.
No es medicamento ni vacuna. No cura ni previene enfermedad alguna. Al ingerir las dos pastillas recomendadas es como si se tomara 50 pastillas anticonceptivas juntas.
Tiene tres mecanismos: impide la ovulación (anovulatorio), espesa la mucosidad cervical (anticonceptivo) e impide la anidación del óvulo fecundado (abortivo). Estos mecanismos son informados por la Food and Drug Administration (FDA), el organismo gubernamental que garantiza la salubridad de los alimentos y las medicinas en Estados Unidos.
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We pray for the Pope and the Church. Thanks, Lucia, blessings to you and Doina. 🤗