Fantasia: Tantum ergo sacramentum. Tantum ergo Hence so great a Sacrament Let us venerate with heads bowed [cernui] And let the old practice [documentum] Give way to the new rite; Let faith provide a …More
Fantasia: Tantum ergo sacramentum.

Tantum ergo
Hence so great a Sacrament
Let us venerate with heads bowed [cernui]
And let the old practice [documentum]
Give way to the new rite;
Let faith provide a supplement
For the failure of the senses.

To the Begetter and the Begotten [both masculine gender],
Be praise and jubilation,
Hail, honor, virtue also,
And blessing too:
To the One proceeding from Both
Let there be equal praise.
enjoy this beautiful melody
For another style of Tantum ergo;
Tantum ergo sacramentum
Very beautiful
Public domain
holyrope 3
Michel, very nice!