Our Lady of Luján: Mother of the poor and humble. The shrine of Luján in Argentina is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Latin America. It is situated approximately 60 kilometers from Buenos …More
Our Lady of Luján: Mother of the poor and humble.

The shrine of Luján in Argentina is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Latin America. It is situated approximately 60 kilometers from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina.

The history of the shrine began around the year 1630, when a man from Portugal called Farías asked a friend of his to send him an image of the Immaculate Conception directly from Brazil so that he could place it in a chapel that he was building in Sumampa, Argentina. A short time later, he received the offer of two statues: one was the Immaculate Conception and the other was of Mary as the Mother of God.

Once the two statues were finished, the drivers placed them in a wagon and then set off on their northbound journey. They stopped to spend the night on the shores of the Luján River; however, the next morning, they realized that the mules could not move the wagon, even when they got rid of some of the weight. Only by strenuously taking out the box that contained the statue of the Immaculate Conception were they able to move the wagon. The drivers believed that this incident was a sign from Our Lady, telling them that she wanted to be venerated there.

The Argentineans regard it as a special place, where children receive the Sacrament of Baptism and where people go to perform penances.

People devoted to Our Lady soon began to live there. In this way, the place soon became a small village and took the name of ¨The Village of Our Lady of Luján¨; it was granted the status of town in 1755.

Devotion to Our Lady of Luján grew more and more each year on account of the miracles that occurred there; and on October 23rd, 1730, the parish of Luján was established. It was not until May 4th, 1890, however, that the construction of the current basilica began.

The statue, made almost entirely of baked clay, has a dark, oval-shaped face and stands almost a foot high. Her feet rest over a half-moon, which is rising above a cluster of clouds, surrounded by four open-winged cherubim.

She is wearing a white tunic and a sky-blue mantle, with her hands folded in front of her.

On December 3rd, 1871, the first general pilgrimage to the Shrine at Luján was organized, and ever since then, millions of people come to visit each year. Currently, her feast day is celebrated on May 8th.

Mother Mary, we ask you to put an end to all hatred, that you help us restrain our disordered desires, and be rid of the feverish longings that only look for material goods. Plant the seeds of humility and understanding in the soil of our hearts, and uproot the weeds of pride; do not allow any 'Cain' to set up his tent, nor let the blood of any righteous Abel, be spilled in our hearts.
