Noe - przekłamania w filmie - The Noah Movie Deception. źródło - This video explores Paramount Pictures' movie "Noah," starring Russell Crowe and …More
Noe - przekłamania w filmie - The Noah Movie Deception.
źródło -
This video explores Paramount Pictures' movie "Noah," starring Russell Crowe and directed/co-written by Darren Aronofsky.
Did you know that Noah was a liberal, eco-warrior and the world's first environmentalist? Did you know that Noah was really an uncaring, "dark," murderous, axe wielding person? Did you know that Noah threatened to kill his eldest son's wife and her unborn daughter because he didn't want the earth to be re-populated? Did you know that Noah's really old pal Methuselah was a witch doctor who helped guide Noah spiritually? Did you know that Noah enlisted the help of Satan's fallen angels to protect him while building the ark? What? You didn't know all of this? Of course not! Because none of it is true!
To read our in-depth article on the movie Noah, please visit:
To learn more about our ministry, please visit: …More
Thank God I didn't went to see the movie...
🤐 🤐 🤮 🤮 😡 😡 😡
What Faith Owns Hellywood and what is the faith of the producer? What Faith Owns News media, major papers, magazines etc.. What mark do you fine on bottles of catchup and other food items to let you know that it is kosher? This is why there is so much hatred towards Christians and it shows in movies like Noah and the last Temptaion of Christ or Inglorious Basterds. Look it up its there in the book …More
What Faith Owns Hellywood and what is the faith of the producer? What Faith Owns News media, major papers, magazines etc.. What mark do you fine on bottles of catchup and other food items to let you know that it is kosher? This is why there is so much hatred towards Christians and it shows in movies like Noah and the last Temptaion of Christ or Inglorious Basterds. Look it up its there in the book by Neal Gabler tittle An Empire of Their Own and Jewish screenwriter Ben Stein once admitted in his book, The View from Sunset Boulevard, that most television writers and network executives are Jewish and they" loath the Christian values of middle America". Before I end be it known that I am of Jewish descent and now belong to the One True Faith of Christ.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam 😇
Film dotyczący wchodzącego na ekrany filmu "Noe - człowiek wybrany przez Boga" ostrzega przed zafałszowanym obrazem Noego - Reżyser tego filmu wielokrotnie w swoich filmach zdradzał ciągoty gnostyckie a pastor Joe Shimmel jak na protestanta jest moim zdaniem wzorowym przykładem apologety odnośnie wpływów gnozy w popkulturze. Ten film jest wielokrotnie bardziej merytoryczny od wielu filmów …More
Film dotyczący wchodzącego na ekrany filmu "Noe - człowiek wybrany przez Boga" ostrzega przed zafałszowanym obrazem Noego - Reżyser tego filmu wielokrotnie w swoich filmach zdradzał ciągoty gnostyckie a pastor Joe Shimmel jak na protestanta jest moim zdaniem wzorowym przykładem apologety odnośnie wpływów gnozy w popkulturze. Ten film jest wielokrotnie bardziej merytoryczny od wielu filmów umieszczanych na glorii (A nawet wybieranych jako polecane).

Film ten dałem żeby przestrzec ludzi. Wydawało mi się że nie ma w tym nic szokującego (z mojej strony) i że jest to wszystko zrozumiałe.
Az trudno uwierzyc, ze mozna taki komentarz dac do filmu ........... 🤫 🤫 🤫