
A Silent Priest is a Dead Priest

A Meditation on a Teaching of St. Gregory the Great By: Msgr. CHarles Pope A former Archbishop of Washington was known to often remark, “There’s nothing deader than a dead priest.” Some wondered as …More
A Meditation on a Teaching of St. Gregory the Great
By: Msgr. CHarles Pope
A former Archbishop of Washington was known to often remark, “There’s nothing deader than a dead priest.” Some wondered as to the meaning of this expression, and those who knew him the best explained that it was a sort of version of the old Latin expression Corruptio optime pessima (The corruption of the best is the worst thing of all).
Of all the men on the planet who need to be alive, vocal, clear, and active, the priest is one of the most critical. For if he is doing as he should, and like a herald, summoning the faithful to be true to the gospel. He can reach thousands, who in turn can reach thousands more. But if he fails, the whole chain of the gospel is broken at the critical link and falls to the ground.
The same Archbishop also told us priests that if we did not go to bed tired most nights, something was wrong. There is nothing deader than a dead priest.
Two images from Pope St. Gregory the Great come …More
la verdad prevalece
👍 A silent priest is a dead priest. And there is nothing deader than a dead priest. He is good for nothing but to be dragged from the Holy Place and …More
👍 A silent priest is a dead priest. And there is nothing deader than a dead priest. He is good for nothing but to be dragged from the Holy Place and buried underfoot. 👍

The Pope Emeritus Prays, But Also Advises. Here's How

by Sandro Magister With Francis reigning, Benedict extols John Paul and above all his encyclical "Veritatis Splendor" on the foundations of morality. He was a pope, he says, who was not afraid of "how …More
by Sandro Magister
With Francis reigning, Benedict extols John Paul and above all his encyclical "Veritatis Splendor" on the foundations of morality. He was a pope, he says, who was not afraid of "how his decisions would be received".
In his latest interview, with "Corriere della Sera," Pope Francis has revealed that he has struck a deal with Joseph Ratzinger on a new role for the "pope emeritus," unprecedented in the history of the Church:
"The pope emeritus is not a statue in a museum. It is an institution. We have not been accustomed to this. Sixty or seventy years ago, the bishop emeritus did not exist. It came after the Council. Today it is an institution. The same thing must happen for the pope emeritus. Benedict is the first, and perhaps there will be others. We do not know. He is discrete, humble, he does not want to be a nuisance. We have spoken about it and have decided together that it would be better that he see people, get out and participate in the life of the Church. [. …More

German church leader signals opening for divorcees

By Associated Press BERLIN — The new leader of Germany’s Roman Catholic bishops is signaling support for allowing some divorced but remarried Catholics to receive Communion after a “penitential period.” …More
By Associated Press
BERLIN — The new leader of Germany’s Roman Catholic bishops is signaling support for allowing some divorced but remarried Catholics to receive Communion after a “penitential period.”
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who also sits on a panel that helps advise Pope Francis on Vatican reform, was elected Wednesday to head the German Bishops’ Conference.
Church teaching holds that unless their first marriage is annulled, remarried Catholics can’t receive Communion or other sacraments. The church is now discussing anew how to handle such cases.
In an interview with the Welt am Sonntag newspaper released Saturday, Marx cited a prominent theologian’s proposal that “divorced people who recognize their failure can, after a penitential period, seek readmission to the sacraments.” He’s quoted as saying cardinals’ reactions were varied but he personally considers it “a viable path.”
St. Joseph Pray For Us
Malachi Ch.2 V. 10-16. <---That's the Word of the Lord, right there Bishop. This is how the Lord views Marriage. He views it as a covenant, not just …More
Malachi Ch.2 V. 10-16. <---That's the Word of the Lord, right there Bishop.
This is how the Lord views Marriage. He views it as a covenant, not just between two people, but of a People. Divorce destroys families and Nations. It dries up the stream of Grace God wants to give us, because the people break the covenant.
But hey, who is God to Judge?

Cardinal Marx Elected to Presidency of the German Bishops' Conference and Most Influential …

(Bonn) At the meeting in Münster Spring Plenary Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference , Cardinal Reinhard Marx was chosen as the Archbishop of Munich-Freising, as expected, to be their new President …More
(Bonn) At the meeting in Münster Spring Plenary Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference , Cardinal Reinhard Marx was chosen as the Archbishop of Munich-Freising, as expected, to be their new President Cardinal Marx, in the power of consciousness it is said, he has actually become presently the most influential religious leader in Europe. The term of office for the DBK President shall be six years.
The Archbishops of Munich and Freising and Cologne are traditionally contenders for the presidency of the DBK. Exceptions, such as the appointment of Cardinal Karl Lehmann (Mainz) and Robert Zollitsch (Freiburg) were expressions of complex internal conflicts between the bishops, but also with Rome. The archbishopric of Cologne is currently vacant, and therefore the largest German diocese could assert no influence in the election.
Cardinal Marx has been Chairman of the European Bishops' Conferences (COMECE) and as a member of the European representatives was appointed by Pope Francis to his …More
🤦 Influence I thought that only Jesus Christ had influences now we see these men come with their own agenda under the arm. "Moral Quality? Ultra …More
🤦 Influence I thought that only Jesus Christ had influences now we see these men come with their own agenda under the arm.
"Moral Quality? Ultra Liberal Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx has claimed in front of a German paper that a family consisting of a man and a woman is – quote the “ideal concept” for the Church. But – the Cardinal added immediately: “Other forms of life in which humans take lasting responsibility for each other cannot be entirely denied of a moral quality”. The Cardinal was speaking about homosexual cohabitation that according to natural moral is a mortal sin. Marx belongs to Pope Francis’ council of eight cardinals. He has also allowed the immoral use of the immoral morning after pill in Munich Catholic hospitals". Gloria.TV News on the 17th of February 2014

Cardinal Kasper Encourages Increased Laicization of the Curia

Edit: laicism has ever and always been a vice condemned by the Church in previous days, identified with materialism and atheism. From Divini Redemptoris: If we would explain the blind acceptance of …More
Edit: laicism has ever and always been a vice condemned by the Church in previous days, identified with materialism and atheism. From Divini Redemptoris:
If we would explain the blind acceptance of Communism by so many thousands of workmen, we must remember that the way had been already prepared for it by the religious and moral destitution in which wage-earners had been left by liberal economics. Even on Sundays and holy days, labor-shifts were given no time to attend to their essential religious duties. No one thought of building churches within convenient distance of factories, nor of facilitating the work of the priest. On the contrary, laicism was actively and persistently promoted, with the result that we are now reaping the fruits of the errors so often denounced by Our Predecessors and by Ourselves. It can surprise no one that the Communistic fallacy should be spreading in a world already to a large extent de-Christianized.
(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper has moved through his …More
This Cardinal is not Catholic, he is a wee laddie intent on being famous. What a waste of space he is.

Altars go up in flames, although the memories remain

by Jennifer Brinker When Deacon Joe Streckfuss took charge of the archdiocesan Reclamation Center two years ago, one of the first things he confronted was the bank of sacred items -- altars, tabernacles …More
by Jennifer Brinker
When Deacon Joe Streckfuss took charge of the archdiocesan Reclamation Center two years ago, one of the first things he confronted was the bank of sacred items -- altars, tabernacles, kneelers -- no longer being used in churches. He realized the rich history attached to each item, and he said it moved him.
It was a tough call for Deacon Streckfuss when he recently commissioned the disposal of several items that had been collecting dust over the years. The Reclamation Center, which falls under the oversight of the archdiocesan Office of Sacred Worship, stores sacred items from closed parishes and those no longer used by other churches, convents and religious facilities in the archdiocese.
Earlier this month, six wooden altars, several wooden tabernacles, and a few other items, including a prie-dieu (kneeling bench), were broken down and burned on the grounds of Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in Shrewsbury.
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This is the normal step for all modernist in fact I'm surprised these items were saved this long. I'm aware of a monastery that removed then burnt all …More
This is the normal step for all modernist in fact I'm surprised these items were saved this long. I'm aware of a monastery that removed then burnt all the pre-vatican II books from it "vast" library. When I asked about these pre-vatican books I was told that they would no longer be used. They were correct they now have very few vocations. Hmmmm
Christianity, the first 1000 years. Christianity (from the Ancient Greek: Χριστιανός Christianos[1] and the Latin suffix -itas) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion[2] based on the life and …More
Christianity, the first 1000 years.
Christianity (from the Ancient Greek: Χριστιανός Christianos[1] and the Latin suffix -itas) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion[2] based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings.[3] It also considers the Hebrew Bible, which is known as the Old Testament, to be canonical. Adherents of the Christian faith are known as Christians.[1]
The mainstream Christian belief is that Jesus is the Son of God, fully divine and fully human and the savior of humanity. Because of this, Christians commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah.[4] Jesus' ministry, sacrificial death, and subsequent resurrection are often referred to as the Gospel, meaning "Good News" (from the Greek: εὐαγγέλιον euangélion). In short, the Gospel is news of God the Father's eternal victory over evil,[5] and the promise of salvation and eternal life for all people, through divine grace.[6]
Worldwide, the three largest groups of …More
Easter Lamb shares this
Documentary. DocumentaryMore
Blessed Damien Of Molokai. Don Antonio Mastroeni 07.05.2006More
Blessed Damien Of Molokai.
Don Antonio Mastroeni
Maria Faustyna Kowalska. Don Antonio Mastroeni April 2006 for Saints and SermonsMore
Maria Faustyna Kowalska.
Don Antonio Mastroeni
April 2006 for Saints and Sermons
Don Reto Nay

URGENT: On the eve of papal visit, Brazil about to legalize abortion through the back door, while …

A bill caled PL03/2013 was recently voted and approved by the Brazilian Congress. Originally, when presented back in 2002, the bill was about the emergency treatment of women victim of rape, but the …More
A bill caled PL03/2013 was recently voted and approved by the Brazilian Congress. Originally, when presented back in 2002, the bill was about the emergency treatment of women victim of rape, but the text of the bill was changed on April 5th 2013 in a way that in practice will legalize abortion in Brazil. The bill was submitted to Congress in an urgency regime, requested by the Minister of Health of President Dilma Rousseff, Alexandre Padilha.
The minister stated that this bill was about the emergency treatment of woman victim of rape and that Congress should honor the 2013 International Day of Women, celebrated on March 8th, by passing this law. When some pro-life groups found out about the trap that was hidden in the wording of the bill it was too late, the bill was already approved by Congress (House and Senate) and since then the life of the unborn in Brazil is hanging by a thread, that thread being the full veto of this bill by the President Dilma Rousseff.
Instead of timely …More

French police begin to rebel against being used by Hollande to oppress pro-marriage demonstrators

La Figaro is reporting that the French police, including the riot police, are increasingly vociferous in their protests against Hollande, the French President, using them to oppress pro-family demonstrators …More
La Figaro is reporting that the French police, including the riot police, are increasingly vociferous in their protests against Hollande, the French President, using them to oppress pro-family demonstrators since the legalisation of gay marriage, especially the directive to arrest people wearing Manif T shirts:
A few days ago, in a tract from Alliance, the CRS (riot police) expressed indignation over their “ridiculous” mission against the Veilleurs debout (standing vigils). Today, the anger has spread to the commissioners(“commissaires”). In the latest issue of the Tribune du commissaire, two of the three open editorials are devoted to the “growing malaise” within the police institution resulting from the repression of the anti-gay marriage demonstrations. “We’ve never seen this!” says a member of the SCPN union, which represents 60% of the commissioners, and which has always been very legitimist. “That shows the scope of the discontent.”
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good news 👍
It takes an inner teacher. Fr. Anthony Mastroeni 14.05.2006More
It takes an inner teacher.
Fr. Anthony Mastroeni
Thank You Father Anthony 👏 👍
The World Rejoices in the Passing of the Lord. Don Antonio Mastroeni John 16More
The World Rejoices in the Passing of the Lord.
Don Antonio Mastroeni
John 16
The Gosple of the Good Shepherd. John 10 Father Anthony MastroeniMore
The Gosple of the Good Shepherd. John 10
Father Anthony Mastroeni
Divine Mercy Sunday. Father Anthony Mastroeni Domenica in Albis April 2006More
Divine Mercy Sunday.
Father Anthony Mastroeni
Domenica in Albis
April 2006
Easter Sunday Sermon. Father Anthony Mastroeni April 2006More
Easter Sunday Sermon.
Father Anthony Mastroeni
April 2006
Deo Gratias thank you Father Nay for the heads up to this videoMore
Deo Gratias
thank you Father Nay for the heads up to this video
Don Reto Nay
I am happy to encounter an old friend on Thank you for the excellent homily, Father!
Saint Catherine of Siena. 30.04.2006 Fr. Anthony MastroeniMore
Saint Catherine of Siena.
Fr. Anthony Mastroeni
St. Catherine is a great saint 👍 . Church needs a St. Catherine in our days 🙏 😲 .More
St. Catherine is a great saint 👍 .
Church needs a St. Catherine in our days 🙏 😲 .
St Louis de Montfort. 14.05.2006 Don Antonio MastroeniMore
St Louis de Montfort.
Don Antonio Mastroeni