Benedict XVI: Evangelize through the saints. When the Church venerates a saint, it announces the effectiveness of the Gospel and discovers with joy that Christ’s presence in the world is able to …More
Benedict XVI: Evangelize through the saints.

When the Church venerates a saint, it announces the effectiveness of the Gospel and discovers with joy that Christ’s presence in the world is able to transform human life and produce the fruit of salvation for all humanity. Benedict XVI underlined this in his address to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, to commemorate 40 years since the institution was created by Paul VI in 1969.

Each beatification and canonization, the Pope said, is for Christians a strong encouragement to live with intensity and to follow Christ with enthusiasm, moving toward the fullness of Christian life and perfection of charity. Hence, the special importance of your ministry is to remind every believer that, like the saints, he should conduct his life with the utmost generosity, in accordance with the design of love that the Father has for him and for all humanity.