Saint Carthage the Younger

detail of a stained glass window of Saint Carthage the Younger, date and artist unknown; Church of Our Lady and Saint Kieran, Ballylooby, County Tipperary, Ireland; photographed on 8 September 2012 by Andreas F. Borchert; swiped from Wikimedia CommonsAlso known as

  • Carthage of Lismore
  • Carthage of Mochuda
  • Cartaco…
  • Carthach…
  • Carthagus…
  • Mo Chutu mac Fínaill
  • Mochuda…



Swineherd near Castlemaine, Ireland. Monk. Spiritual student of Saint Carthage the Elder. Priest. Hermit at Kiltallagh, Ireland in 580. He attracted would-be students, founded the monastery in Raithean in County Offaly, Ireland c.590, and served as its abbot. AbbotBishop of the Fercal district. He composed a rule for his monks. Wrote a metrical poem of 580 lines. Exiled from Raithean in 635 with 800 of his brother monks. With them he established a monastery which later became the famous school of Lismore.





MLA Citation

  • “Saint Carthage the Younger“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 May 2022. Web. 8 June 2024. <>