Blessed Ignace-Alexandre-Joseph Cardon

Martyrs of CasamariAlso known as

  • Brother Simèon-Marie
  • Simeone Maria Cardon



Benedictine monk, making his profession on 4 August 1782 at the monastery of San Mauro in Saint-Faron de Meaux, France. Being opposed to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy imposed during the French Revolution, Brother Simèon-Marie fled France in 1795 and became a Cistercian priest in the Congregation of Casamari on 5 May 1797. He served as treasurer, prior and, in 1798, abbot of the Casamari abbey. He was known for his personal piety, adminstrative skill, and for ministry to the sick. Martyred by invading French revolutionary soldiers.





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MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Ignace-Alexandre-Joseph Cardon“. CatholicSaints.Info. 17 May 2024. Web. 12 June 2024. <>