Same-sex “marriage” advocates use violence against traditional marriage supporter. Copied off you tube. How same-sex “marriage” advocates use violence against traditional marriage supporter In this …More
Same-sex “marriage” advocates use violence against traditional marriage supporter.
Copied off you tube.
How same-sex “marriage” advocates use violence
against traditional marriage supporter

In this newly released video, volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) describe how they were violently assaulted by pro-homosexual "marriage" advocates while promoting traditional marriage on college campuses and in the public square.
"That empty slogan about tolerance comes crashing down after you see how TFP volunteers were criminally assaulted by same-sex 'marriage' advocates," said TFP Student Action Director John Ritchie.
"The video speaks for itself. They don't tolerate God's marriage. In fact, our volunteers have been bullied, pepper sprayed, hit with glass bottles, sprayed with pesticide, punched, and spit on for peacefully stating that marriage is what it is – the union between one man and one woman."
"When you watch same-sex 'marriage' …More
Just because you are Christian does not mean you can't defend yourself. Just bring pepper spray with you and when a radical puts into action his/her hatred and attempts to assault you or your property a few bursts of pepper will diffuse the situation.
Thank you for posting this.