Gloria.TV News
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous. Remarkable Display of Journalistic Ignorance Associated Press In a remarkable display of journalistic ignorance of Catholic teaching, the …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous.
Remarkable Display of Journalistic Ignorance
Associated Press
In a remarkable display of journalistic ignorance of Catholic teaching, the Associated Press has reported that the “implicit understanding of the need to follow just civil laws dates to a 1965 document from the Second Vatican Council, Gaudem et Spes,” CatholicCulture reports. In addition to misspelling Gaudium et Spes -- the Latin title of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World -- Associated Press is also unaware of the constant teaching of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Church’s Magisterium on the moral obligation under the Fourth Commandment to obey just civil laws. One of countless examples is when St. Paul exhorted Christians to “be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution” (Rom. 13:1).
Archbishop Nichols Considers Legal Action Against Times
The Catholic Herald says that Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster is …More