5th day of "Month of Mary", prayer book by Bl. Francisco Palau OCD. I. The Amapola -- Corn Flower (Bluebottle) The corn flower (amapola) in its beauty and in its variety of colours surpasses even the …More
5th day of "Month of Mary", prayer book by Bl. Francisco Palau OCD.
I. The Amapola -- Corn Flower (Bluebottle) The corn flower (amapola) in its beauty and in its variety of colours surpasses even the rose: it has admirable graduation from the most pure white up to the brightest crimson. Wild in the fields and cultivated in the gardens, it is for this season one of its beauties. It is odourless though but it does not matter: the perfection is distributed and divided among the different species that adorn our gardens. It is similar and so similar to the most beautiful of all roses, and that placed by its side and mixed in the bouquet with the others, its brightness rivals that of the rose confusing to the eyes.
II. Beneficence [kindness] and the fourteen works of mercy
2. Charity has, besides from mercy, another daughter and is the beneficence [kindness]. Good will is not enough, a heart that has compassion for the miseries of others is not enough; charity is work and these are guided in …More
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