15,3 tys.
Dziesięć rzeczy, o które Bóg Cię nie zapyta. Dziesięć rzeczy, o które Bóg Cię nie zapyta.Więcej
Dziesięć rzeczy, o które Bóg Cię nie zapyta.

Dziesięć rzeczy, o które Bóg Cię nie zapyta.
The ten things God will not ask you about: 1. ...God will not ask you ,what car you were driving,but to how many people you gave a ride.2. ...God will not ask about the square footage of your house,but to how many people you extended invitation to enter it. 3. ...God will not ask,what you were wearing,but how many did you clothe. 4. ...God will not ask how much you earned,but in what way?5. ...God …Więcej
The ten things God will not ask you about: 1. ...God will not ask you ,what car you were driving,but to how many people you gave a ride.2. ...God will not ask about the square footage of your house,but to how many people you extended invitation to enter it. 3. ...God will not ask,what you were wearing,but how many did you clothe. 4. ...God will not ask how much you earned,but in what way?5. ...God will not ask what was your position,but how did you work? 6. ...God will not ask,how many friends you had,but for how many were you a friend? 7. ...God will not ask,in what community you lived,but how did you treat your neighbor ? 8. ...God will not ask about the color of your skin,but will ask about the color of your character ? 9. ...God will not ask you,why for so long you were putting away receiving the faith of Salvation,He with love will lead you into your heavenly dwelling,instead of gates of hell. 10. ...God will not ask you,with how many you shared this message ( to how many you send this video) ,for He knows it already.Good friends are like stars.You don't see them often,but you know they are there.Remember them. 👏 Tadeo,thanks for sharing the wisdom with all of us. 😇