Hymn to charity - Inno alla carità. Some people believe to have been born by pure chance, others think that their lives is solely a mistake. A Christian believes to have always been thought by God, …Altro
Hymn to charity - Inno alla carità.

Some people believe to have been born by pure chance, others think that their lives is solely a mistake. A Christian believes to have always been thought by God, that God has always known him and consecrated him before he was ever conceived and has entrusted him with a task that is of highest importance: “I’ve set you as prophet of nations”; a Christian can neither ignore nor dodge the mission he’s been entrusted with.

Molti credono di essere nati per caso, altri ritengono la loro vita solo uno sbaglio. Il cristiano crede che Dio lo ha pensato da sempre, lo ha conosciuto e consacrato prima del suo concepimento e gli ha affidato un compito della massima importanza: “Ti ho stabilito profeta delle nazioni”; non può ignorare o sottrarsi alla missione che gli è stata affidata.