In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz. Christiane: “My grandfather was with the Nazis. We called it “Schreibtischtäter” So they always said in the family, he only was sitting on …More
In Spite of Darkness. A Spiritual Encounter with Auschwitz.
Christiane: “My grandfather was with the Nazis. We called it “Schreibtischtäter” So they always said in the family, he only was sitting on a desk and writing. And it was a total taboo to talk about what he did.”
John: “My knowledge of Auschwitz is that it was probably the culmination of a lot of the programs to eliminate the Jews.”
Ohad : “The potential of dehumanizing the other is there. Since we are not so different, me and my German friends, I could be a Nazi.”
In 2006, a group of 50 retreatants gathered in Krakow, Poland in preparation for an interfaith retreat on the grounds of the death camps of Auschwitz/Birkenau.
How can people find peace and spirituality in a place of death and destruction? And yet here every November, people from different faiths and from various countries come together to spend 5 days in meditation, stillness, prayer and ritual.
Why would people come on such a retreat? What are their hopes, their …More
JudeMarian shares this
That ALL may be one.
Pax. For ALL ... God's blessings and His peace.More
That ALL may be one.

Pax. For ALL ... God's blessings and His peace.
God bless all peoples who suffer for simply being. And God bless those who, like His Holiness Pope Pius XII, care enough to help. And may God bless those who cause the suffering with true and honest contrition for their sins. *** ¨Yet not for these only do I pray, but for those also who through their word are to believe in me, that all may be one ... ¨ The Holy Gospel according to John, 17, 20.