Caritas Australia works to put words into action. Welcome to Customs House, I'm Evan Ellis Caritas Australia's World Youth Day coordinator. And Caritas Australia and Aid and Development Agency believes …More
Caritas Australia works to put words into action.

Welcome to Customs House, I'm Evan Ellis Caritas Australia's World Youth Day coordinator. And Caritas Australia and Aid and Development Agency believes young people shouldn't just celebrate in their world, young people should be out there trying to change it. We don't want just people studying the world. At Caritas Australia we want people trying to change it. You've got the media wall that keeps a very concise summary of the millenium development goals. Essentially, these are eight promises that 192 world leaders signed up to in the year 2000. By 2015 we hope to be halving poverty, however, the Oceanic region like all regions is actually slipping behind.

At the speed we go we are not going to achieve the millenium goals. And it will be very sad that this beautiful intention could lead only to words, to empty words. So it means it's necessary to take action and I appeal to the G8 nations because in the hands of them is the realization of these millenium goals. Without social justice it's almost impossible to have peace in the world. So we have to be more active. And this is why I celebrate that we are having these kind of activities during the World Youth Day. It is not only making noise, singing, and celebrating. Of course that is very im portant. But to take a taste of the reality is very important.