

To be humble before God, means - to put your complete trust in God. - to completely submit to God. - to let God, take the driver's seat. - to leave your anxiety and worries to God. - to unload your …More
To be humble before God, means - to put your complete trust in God.
- to completely submit to God.
- to let God, take the driver's seat.
- to leave your anxiety and worries to God.
- to unload your burden onto God.
To be humble before God, means - to listen to HIM (through prayer and Holy Scriptures)
- to set your heart on HIS kingdom.
- to love God, above all created things. - to practice Love. - to drive away wickedness from your heart- from your life. - to make God's word, your home- your refuge. - to kindly accept the *gifts which God has given us- without complaining. - to faithfully do the task, which God has assigned us to do. * talents; potentials; strengths; weaknesses; skills; virtues; Life.
The spiritual wisdom that I share here, on, is from my spiritual Diary. It is the fruit of my prayer life in God.
If my spiritual wisdom is beneficial to you- in improving the quality of your life. I'll be abundantly grateful to God- for you.
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I have compiled all my Wisdom writings in the Journal, here :…More
The spiritual wisdom that I share here, on, is from my spiritual Diary. It is the fruit of my prayer life in God.

If my spiritual wisdom is beneficial to you- in improving the quality of your life. I'll be abundantly grateful to God- for you.

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I have compiled all my Wisdom writings in the Journal, here :…