Diversity program La Salle College High School

La Salle College High School aspires to be a school rich in diversity where each member of the community is valued and embraced. Our goal is to create an educational environment where differences in …More
La Salle College High School aspires to be a school rich in diversity where each member of the community is valued and embraced. Our goal is to create an educational environment where differences in race, color, national and ethnic origin, culture, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status are accepted and understood. In creating such a welcoming environment, La Salle will be a community serving the entire Greater Philadelphia region, where the diversity of thought and background will foster the development of the whole person, and serve to best prepare its students for the world beyond its walls
Pool Mass: Liturgical abuse at - LaSalle College High School:
Immaculate heart
Francesco Federico ''Les temps ont changé, mais les œuvres de miséricorde spirituelle ne sont pas changé et les deux premiers sont enfin:
1 conseiller ceux qui en ont besoin,
2 instruire les ignorants 👍 👏More
Francesco Federico ''Les temps ont changé, mais les œuvres de miséricorde spirituelle ne sont pas changé et les deux premiers sont enfin:

1 conseiller ceux qui en ont besoin,

2 instruire les ignorants 👍 👏
Francesco Federico
Quand j'étais un petit garçon, il ya plus de cinquante ans, et j'allais à l'école, "De La Salle" de Turin, mon professeur reçut une lettre qui demandait l'admission dans le collège des deux garçons de religion juive.
Il répondit que les garçons auraient été les bienvenues à condition qu'ils participeraient à la messe et qu'ils apprendraient par coeur , comme nous tous, le catéchisme de saint …More
Quand j'étais un petit garçon, il ya plus de cinquante ans, et j'allais à l'école, "De La Salle" de Turin, mon professeur reçut une lettre qui demandait l'admission dans le collège des deux garçons de religion juive.
Il répondit que les garçons auraient été les bienvenues à condition qu'ils participeraient à la messe et qu'ils apprendraient par coeur , comme nous tous, le catéchisme de saint Pie X.

Les temps ont changé, mais les œuvres de miséricorde spirituelle ne sont pas changé et les deux premiers sont enfin:

1 conseiller ceux qui en ont besoin,

2 instruire les ignorants

🤗 🤗
Immaculate heart
Francesco Federico 🤗
Yes we are exposing Lasalle College High School for deviation of the orthodoxy and they fall away from the truth Catholic faith.
Francesco Federico
Que volez-vous dire , avec «orientation sexuelle» et que voulez-vous dire avec «les étudiants de toutes religions?" Si votre intention est d'essayer de corriger les déviances sexuelles, et que vous essayez de convertir à la vraie foi les incroyants et les appartenants aux fausses religions, alors vous ferez un très bon travail , mais au cas où vous pensez soulement d'avoir de nouveaux étudiants …More
Que volez-vous dire , avec «orientation sexuelle» et que voulez-vous dire avec «les étudiants de toutes religions?" Si votre intention est d'essayer de corriger les déviances sexuelles, et que vous essayez de convertir à la vraie foi les incroyants et les appartenants aux fausses religions, alors vous ferez un très bon travail , mais au cas où vous pensez soulement d'avoir de nouveaux étudiants sans prosélytisme, il est préférable pour vous de fermer votres écoles !

Le Vénérable Frère Théodoret a dit «Nous (les fréres) devons former les jeunes gens prêts à donner leur vie à Jésus lui-même."


Immaculate heart
Pool Mass: Liturgical abuse at former Catholic high school - LaSalle College High School
LaSalle College High School is operated by the Christian Brothers, founded by St. Jean-Baptiste de LaSalle. Like many other Catholic institutions, LaSalle was once a strong and strict Catholic environment, which focused on the formation of young men in faith and virtue-notably amongst the poor. Today, LaSalle …More
Pool Mass: Liturgical abuse at former Catholic high school - LaSalle College High School
LaSalle College High School is operated by the Christian Brothers, founded by St. Jean-Baptiste de LaSalle. Like many other Catholic institutions, LaSalle was once a strong and strict Catholic environment, which focused on the formation of young men in faith and virtue-notably amongst the poor. Today, LaSalle is a $20,000 a year proposition, with a regimental academic and athletic program, geared towards preparing young men for successful and profitable secular careers. With the collapse of the Archdiocesan parochial school system, LaSalle now has a narrower base from which to draw new Catholic Students. Their answer, which should not be shocking, has been to expand their recruitment efforts to include non-Catholic students. In the days before the Vatican II revolution, this would have been acceptable as strong Church teaching would have produced conversions. However, with today’s “cut and color” Catechesis, which at LaSalle has been watered down to ethics and morals, conversion and vocations are no longer a goal. Instead, the modernized LaSallian education is driven towards preparation for a six figure salary, a home in the countryside, and a comfortable secular lifestyle. True teaching of the Catholic faith has long since been banished from the halls of LaSalle, notably in the percentage of non-Catholic students (near 50%) who can afford the tuition, and open acceptance of homosexuality and atheism in the student population. One only needs to look at the lack of vocations to the Christian Brothers to corroborate this observation.

This loss of purpose brings us to the August 15 poolside Mass on the campus of LaSalle College High School, with students wrapped in towels, and a priest offering Mass on a simple card table. Does this not accurately reflect how most mainstream Catholics treat Sunday Mass, if they even go, where everyone is too busy to devote even one hour to hear Mass with respect, reverence and piety? Modern Catholic education institutions such as LaSalle College High School demonstrate how willing parents are to devote all of their resources to the best that a modernized “Catholic education” can provide, while Holy Mass becomes an afterthought of happenstance.
