Gloria.TV News on the 9th of October. More money: According to a new study, Catholic women in Australia earn more than their Anglican counterparts, amounting to a 4.5 percent wage premium. The data …More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of October.

More money: According to a new study, Catholic women in Australia earn more than their Anglican counterparts, amounting to a 4.5 percent wage premium. The data modelling was based on women aged 25 to 54. The study found no other statistically significant wage difference between Anglican women and other groups. The report highlighted the possibility that religious beliefs could have an impact on the importance of one's income. Quote: “It is possible that Anglican women may view maximising income as materialistic and a less than noble approach to life.”

What about cats?: Father Gil Florini has blessed dogs on Oct. 6 during a mass honoring St. Francis of Assisi — the patron saint of animals — at Saint-Pierre-d'Arene's church in Nice, France. Pet owners gathered at their local Catholic church this weekend for the blessing.

In the New York Times Ross Douthat writes that in order to understand Pope Francis it’s useful to think about what’s been happening to New York City’s Jews. For decades New York’s Jewish population was declined. But, between 2002 and 2011, it climbed by 10 percent with the growth nearly all among Orthodox Jews while the numbers of liberal Jews continued to drop. Douthat concludes: „You can hew to a traditional faith in late modernity, it has seemed, only to the extent that you separate yourself from the Western mainstream.“ Douthat looks at Francis’ – quote - almost-frantic engagement with the lapsed-Catholic, post-Catholic and non-Catholic world. His question: Will Francis’ Church actually change the world or just give the worldly another excuse to close their ears to the Church’s message?

The ultra-liberal U.S. Jesuit “America” magazine has experienced a boost in the wake of the Sept. 19 interview of Pope Francis. In the days following publication of the interview, the journal added 900 subscribers and the number of unique visitors to its website reportedly shot up from 5,000 per day to 200,000. The October 11 issue includes a contribution of the Swiss-German heresiarch Hans Küng.