Gloria.TV News on the 20th of February 2015 In Front of Man? Yesterday Pope Francis met with priests of the Roman diocese. He told them an anecdote about his address to the plenary meeting of the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of February 2015

In Front of Man? Yesterday Pope Francis met with priests of the Roman diocese. He told them an anecdote about his address to the plenary meeting of the Cardinals who gathered in 2005 in order to elect Benedict XVI. Then Cardinal Bergoglio spoke about the liturgy. But former Cologne Cardinal Joachim Meisner quote – “rebuked me for certain things I said”. And then Cardinal Ratzinger reminded Bergoglio that he forgot to stress that the priest should be aware that during Mass he is standing in front of God.

Silencing Catholics: Father Thomas Rosica, a spokesman for Pope Francis and CEO of Canada's Catholic Salt + Light Television network has threatened David Domet, the publisher of the Canadian blog Vox Cantoris, with a lawsuit. Rosica had the law firm fogler/rubinoff sending a three page letter to Domet concerning – quote – “various entries you have made on your blog that are false, defamatory, or both”. Domet had accused Rosica of being part of those who try to manipulate the Synod on the Family in favor of an adulterist and homosexualist agenda.

Sin Against God the Creator: Pope Francis has allegedly compared so called transsexuals to nuclear weapons according to the homosexualist website gaystarnews.com. The site quotes the Pope from the book “This Economy Kills” recently published in Italy. The Pope says: “Let's think of the nuclear arms, of the possibility to annihilate in a few instants a very high number of human beings. Let's think also of genetic manipulation, of the manipulation of life, or of the gender theory, that does not recognize the order of creation.” The Pope’s conclusion: “With this attitude, man commits a new sin, that against God the Creator.”

Despite Being a Woman: After a heart attack on January 29, 71-year-old Father John Micheal O’neal from the Archdiocese of Boston was declared clinically dead for more than 48 minutes before medics were able to re-start his heart. After that he described an out-of-body experience. O’neal allegedly encountered God which he describes as a feminine “Being of Light”. Quote: “She had a soft and soothing voice and her presence was as reassuring as a mother’s embrace.” He adds: “I would like to share my new knowledge of the Mother, the Son and the Holy Ghost with all Catholics and even all Christians. God is great and almighty despite being a woman…”
la verdad prevalece
Silencing Catholics:
@Gloria.TV News We want to know why this vídeo that is a translation that a priest did in Spanish was remove from this web page Kasper niega que la practica de la homosexualidad sea un pecado. (Noticias que han quedado pendientes)
He also was helping with the translation that some of the news that was never was able to translate before.
This video is a translation of your …More
Silencing Catholics:
@Gloria.TV News We want to know why this vídeo that is a translation that a priest did in Spanish was remove from this web page Kasper niega que la practica de la homosexualidad sea un pecado. (Noticias que han quedado pendientes)
He also was helping with the translation that some of the news that was never was able to translate before.
This video is a translation of your original video

Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014


Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014

@Gloria.TV News 22/10/2014 17:15

Progess Into the Abyss: German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leader of the anti-marriage and pro-gay group at the recent Synod of Bishops, is optimistic. In a long interview with the anti-Catholic German paper Zeit he said: “Only in three of 62 points we did not receive a two-thirds majority. Even controversial points reached a strong relative majority. I am confident that we will progress next year.” Kasper is a close theological ally of Pope Francis.

Sin Judges the Word of God: Cardinal Kasper calls Catholic doctrine in the interview – quote – “abstract” and opposes it to sin which he calls “concrete experience”. He accuses the bishops who defend Catholic doctrine for adhering – quote – “to a rigid view of Church teaching”. Kasper’s bottom line: The word of God should not judge sin but sin should judge the word of God.

No Comment: Kasper is asked why the Synod never mentioned sin. Instead of answering he ignores the question.

Lashing Out: Kasper is not confronted with his racist remarks against Africans. Instead he is given the opportunity to lash out against the journalist Edward Pentin who made the interview which Kasper calls – quote – “a casual conversation in English”. He claims that Pentin recorded the conversation “secretly” and published Kasper’s scandalous words without authorization.

Racist Reformers: Kasper discredits the critics of his racist remarks: “It seems that the right wing of the Catholic spectrum is verging on nervous breakdown and each method is good enough to discredit the reformers.”

Kasper denies that practiced homosexuality is a sin. Quote: “I would not want to judge over the subjective conscience of the individual. Instead of condeming we should start with ourselves.” Gloria.tv points out that Kasper is forced to say the same about pedophilia.

Insults: Kasper states that no decision was intended for the first phase of the Synode. But: “The now finished phase of the Synode is not the last word. We stay tuned.” And: “Hopefully we will reach next year a broad majority.” He further says that Pope Francis considers the critics of the anti-marriage and pro-gay coaltion – quote – “hypocrites”.
stanislawp czwartek, 21:02
Are there any faithful Catholics left?
After years of heretical bishops I would take the story with a grain of salt.
As I said it then and I say it now... stories about Female God would be a joke..
Today it's confirmed...
It was a joke, fake story...More
stanislawp czwartek, 21:02

Are there any faithful Catholics left?
After years of heretical bishops I would take the story with a grain of salt.



As I said it then and I say it now... stories about Female God would be a joke..

Today it's confirmed...

It was a joke, fake story...
God is female?
Such confused priest could see a demon only.
Mensajero Mariano and 2 more users link to this post
adeste fideles
Ratzinger reminded Bergoglio that he forgot to stress that the priest should be aware that during Mass he is standing in front of God. ✍️ ...we hope that Francis always remember that lesson
On Guard
How sad to think that an elderly "priest" who was supposedly dead for 48minutes, claims that he saw "God" as a "woman with a gentle voice". I hope after 48 minutes he awakened to the fact that he apparently saw Our Blessed Mother speaking to "Her son", a priest. God help us all in these confusing times.
Maurizio Muscas
God is female? Perhaps, the confused priest saw Maria!
Fiel al Evangelio
Take a look Rome Report with the gay flag romereports.com
We had such heretics before
In conclusion they wanted us to warship Grandfather, Father, Mother Son and Holly Spirit...
I omitted Daughter.. Should we include Daughter as well?
Are there any faithful Catholics left?
After years of heretical bishops I would take the story with a grain of salt.
It is a grace of God giving the priest glimps of the invisible world.
I wish him full recovery after coming back to life and I wish the priest will come back to Traditional Faith.
adeste fideles
👍 La Escritura contiene toda la revelación que Dios dio al hombre acerca de Sí Mismo, y es la única fuente verdadera y objetiva de información acerca de Dios.
Comentando la ultima noticia los herejes adoran a una diosa en vez de Dios Padre; porque ellos rechazan al verdadero Dios para creer en lo que desemboca la herejía modernista que promueve estos conceptos de la nueva era; es por eso que ellos adoran a la tierra como una diosa esa es la religión del nuevo orden mundial de la religión ecuménica mundial en vez de adorar a Dios terminan adorando a una …More
Comentando la ultima noticia los herejes adoran a una diosa en vez de Dios Padre; porque ellos rechazan al verdadero Dios para creer en lo que desemboca la herejía modernista que promueve estos conceptos de la nueva era; es por eso que ellos adoran a la tierra como una diosa esa es la religión del nuevo orden mundial de la religión ecuménica mundial en vez de adorar a Dios terminan adorando a una diosa.
Silenciando a los católicos:
El padre Thomas Rosica, portavoz de Francisco y CEO de la red católica de Salt + Light Television de Canadá ha amenazado David Domet, el editor del blog canadiense Vox Cantoris, con una demanda. Rosica tenía la firma de abogados Fogler / Rubinoff envío de una carta de tres páginas a Domet relativa - citao - "varias entradas realizadas en su blog que son falsas, …More
Silenciando a los católicos:
El padre Thomas Rosica, portavoz de Francisco y CEO de la red católica de Salt + Light Television de Canadá ha amenazado David Domet, el editor del blog canadiense Vox Cantoris, con una demanda. Rosica tenía la firma de abogados Fogler / Rubinoff envío de una carta de tres páginas a Domet relativa - citao - "varias entradas realizadas en su blog que son falsas, difamatorias, o ambos". Domet había acusado Rosica de ser parte de los que tratan de manipular el Sínodo sobre la Familia a favor de una adúlteros y agenda homosexualista.