Searching for Cervantes: Archaeologists find casket with Don Quixote author's initials. ODN on Jan 26, 2015 Scientists believe they have found the coffin of legendary Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes …More
Searching for Cervantes: Archaeologists find casket with Don Quixote author's initials.
ODN on Jan 26, 2015 Scientists believe they have found the coffin of legendary Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes in a tiny chapel in Madrid. . Report by Sarah Kerr.
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Searching for Cervantes: Archaeologists find casket with Don Quixote author's initials.
✍️ Un ataúd con las iniciales M.C. correspondientes a las del Miguel de Cervantes, que contenía restos de huesos en su interior, fue hallado este sábado en la cripta de las Trinitarias, convento donde desde el pasado mes de abril se buscan los restos del escritor universal, extraviados intramuros del cenobio femenino, hace cuatro siglos. Las iniciales están formadas con numerosas tachuelas de …More
✍️ Un ataúd con las iniciales M.C. correspondientes a las del Miguel de Cervantes, que contenía restos de huesos en su interior, fue hallado este sábado en la cripta de las Trinitarias, convento donde desde el pasado mes de abril se buscan los restos del escritor universal, extraviados intramuros del cenobio femenino, hace cuatro siglos. Las iniciales están formadas con numerosas tachuelas de una pulgada de extensión cada una.

El hallazgo del ataúd se produjo al mediodía del sábado, según fuentes de la investigación, que mantuvieron un intenso hermetismo ante las dudas que aún albergaban entonces. Sin embargo, todo indicaba este domingo que el féretro, muy carcomido por la humedad y los xilófagos salvo en su cabecera, donde se encuentran insertas las iniciales —que presentan signos de oxidación de color verdoso— albergó el cadáver del Príncipe de las Letras, allí enterrado el 23 de abril de 1616.

El equipo investigador que realiza la indagación, y que capitanea en esta fase el médico forense Francisco Exeberria, no se atreve todavía a asegurar de manera incontestable que los restos óseos hallados dentro del féretro pertenezcan a Cervantes.…/hallan-el-ataud…
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✍️ Spain: Cervantes Searchers Find Casket With His Initials
MADRID — Experts searching for the remains of Miguel de Cervantes said Monday that they found wooden fragments of a casket bearing the initials "M.C." with bones in and around them in a crypt underneath the chapel of a cloistered convent in Madrid.
Archeologists made the find over the weekend during excavations to solve the centuries-…More
✍️ Spain: Cervantes Searchers Find Casket With His Initials

MADRID — Experts searching for the remains of Miguel de Cervantes said Monday that they found wooden fragments of a casket bearing the initials "M.C." with bones in and around them in a crypt underneath the chapel of a cloistered convent in Madrid.

Archeologists made the find over the weekend during excavations to solve the centuries-old mystery of where the famed Spanish writer was laid to rest. The initials on a plank of the coffin were formed with metal tacks imbedded into the wood.

The bones of at least 10 people were found inside the niche containing the broken wooden planks of the coffin, though some of the remains belonged to children, said forensic anthropologist Francisco Etxeberria, who participated in the autopsy that confirmed the suicide of former Chilean president Salvador Allende.

Etxeberria and others will now start examining the bones to try to determine whether Cervantes' are among them. Cervantes was 69 when he died and investigators have solid clues to work with as they conduct their probe.

The investigation will refer to the author's portraits and his own stories, in which he relates that shortly before dying he only had six teeth.

But the most obvious marks will be the battle wounds that Cervantes sustained.

In 1571, the writer was wounded in the Battle of Lepanto, which pitted Ottoman Turkish forces against the Holy League, led by Spain. Aboard the ship La Marquesa, Cervantes was hit with three musket shots, two in the chest and one in his hand.

He spent several months in a hospital in Sicily, but managed to recover.

Cervantes is a towering figure in Spanish culture. His novel "The Adventures of the Ingenious Nobleman Don Quixote of La Mancha" changed Spanish literature.

The "Don Quixote" author was buried in 1616 at Convent of the Barefoot Trinitarians in Madrid's historic Barrio de las Letras, or Literary Quarter. But the exact whereabouts of his grave within the convent chapel were unknown.…/ap-eu-spain-cer…