Britain's War on Christianity: America's Future Fight? ... "Britain today is at odds with the gospel and with itself. Dale Hurd reports on how England's today maybe America's tomorrow... The Christian …More
Britain's War on Christianity: America's Future Fight? ...

"Britain today is at odds with the gospel and with itself. Dale Hurd reports on how England's today maybe America's tomorrow... The Christian Broadcasting Network CBNwww.cbn.com
Source: youtube.com/watch
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Thanks again, GOD BLESS
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)

Why isn't there a DOWNLOAD BUTTON for this video?

Thanks again, GOD BLESS
Chuck Lentine

(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
If I didn't know better, I'd say the 4th Right is starting its takeover. Unlike the last Germany takeover that started with little countries, this one is starting with the BIG COUNTRIES. Once they control the BIG COUNTRIES taking over the little ones will be real easy.
It's start by destroying the economy and religion of those countries. Once the government is helpless enough they can offer to …More

If I didn't know better, I'd say the 4th Right is starting its takeover. Unlike the last Germany takeover that started with little countries, this one is starting with the BIG COUNTRIES. Once they control the BIG COUNTRIES taking over the little ones will be real easy.

It's start by destroying the economy and religion of those countries. Once the government is helpless enough they can offer to help them recover. Unfortunately, the next phase isn't recovery of the destroyed country but the rape of the destroyed country.

The destruction of the country isn't limited to just the economy. It's the complete disruption of everything from the medical industry to the energy industries including the government itself. Greed, jealousy and envy will be the key weapons in the destruction. Many failing businesses will rely on wrong information and convince the public to believe the lies they themselves fell for. Not only will this sicken the country's economy it'll sicken its people by convincing everyone to relying on the false information.

Thanks again, GOD BLESS
Chuck Lentine

(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)