April 12 Saint Giuseppe Moscati. by Raimundo Santos on Dec 16, 2010More
April 12 Saint Giuseppe Moscati.

by Raimundo Santos on Dec 16, 2010
St. Joseph Moscati
the Holy Doctor from Naples
* 1880 - 1927
Antonio Tripodoro s.j. - Egidio Ridolfo s.j.
"Remember that, following Medicine, you undertook upon yourself the responsibility of a teachings always in your memory, with love and pity for the abandoned, with faith and enthousiasm, deaf to praises and criticisms, to envry, inclined only to God."
[from a letter to Dr.Giuseppe Biondi, Sept …More
St. Joseph Moscati
the Holy Doctor from Naples
* 1880 - 1927
Antonio Tripodoro s.j. - Egidio Ridolfo s.j.

"Remember that, following Medicine, you undertook upon yourself the responsibility of a teachings always in your memory, with love and pity for the abandoned, with faith and enthousiasm, deaf to praises and criticisms, to envry, inclined only to God."
[from a letter to Dr.Giuseppe Biondi, Sept. 4th, 1921.]
1 - Who is St. Joseph Moscati? - Moscati's Parents - Human and Christian training - University and Hospital
2 - Saint's brothers - Moscati meets Bartolo Longo - From Benevento to Naples - The University of Naples at the time of Moscati - The death of Moscati's Father and his brother Alberto
3 - Vesuvius eruption in 1906 - Regular Assistant at the "Ospedali Riuniti" - Director of the Pathological Anatomy Institute
4 - The death of his mother - First World War - Moscati choose to work in the Hospital - Manager of III Men Ward at the Incurabili Hospital
5 - Un unforgettable Teacher - The witnesses of his Students - What did Moscati’s colleagues think of him? - Moscati "a man like us" - University teaching qualification in 1922
6 - Science and Faith - The Eucharist as a centre of moscati’s life - A special love to the Virgin Mary - Fertile chastity of Moscati - Spiritual affinity with Sainte Therese of Lisieux - An innate sense of friendship

7 - A poor doctor - The doctor of the poors - His sudden death - His beatification (Paul VI) - His canonization (John Paul II) - The liturgical feast for St. Joseph