Gloria.TV News on the 26th of March 2015 Reality Check: Father Alexander Lucie-Smith – a parish-priest and journalist for the Catholic Herald – has explained why he signed the letter of 500 British …More
Gloria.TV News on the 26th of March 2015

Reality Check: Father Alexander Lucie-Smith – a parish-priest and journalist for the Catholic Herald – has explained why he signed the letter of 500 British priests in support of Church teaching on marriage. According to him “divorce is no longer an issue in the way it was” but rather the disappearance of marriage. Lucie-Smith further quotes a friend of a non-Catholic Christian community who said that his group still speaks during wedding ceremonies of lifelong union, but effectively has abandoned the concept. “Every marriage is indissoluble,” the friend said, “until we say it is dissolved.” Lucie-Smith asks: “Is this the way we want to go?”

Dramatic Decrease: The number of Catholic marriages in the U.S. is at a new low point according to the Georgetown University's Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. In 1970 there were more than 400,000 Catholic marriages while there were 150,000 last year. Pool director Mark Gray commented: "The Church just isn't seen as important" to young Catholics.

German Bishops Declare War on Marriage: The official news website of the German Bishops' Conference “katholisches.de” published yesterday a declaration of war against Cardinal Raymond Burke because of his tireless defence of the indissolubility of marriage. The title of the article "Declaration of war by the Cardinal" tried to blame Burke for what the German bishops have been doing.

Confusion: In an interview with LifeSiteNews Cardinal Raymond Burke has confirmed that the Synod on the Family has produced confusion even among bishops. Burke mentioned specifically Bishop Johann Bonny of Antwerp who asked the Church to recognize gravely sinful homosex unions and never was disciplined. Cardinal Burke’s conclusion: “So we can see that the confusion is spreading, really, in an alarming way.”
No offense, lady announcer, but could you PLEASE dress more modestly for the camera!
You do good work, but what would St. Pio (Padre Pio) of Pietrelcina think?
Thank you Gloria TV por defender la verdad y mantenernos informados de lo que esta pasando... 🤗 👍 🤗
Gloria.TV the More Catholic the Better:
Reporting the news that matters, to faithful Catholics!
God Bless Cardinal Raymond Burke, and all Defenders of the Bride of Christ
The Holy Catholic ChurchMore
Gloria.TV the More Catholic the Better:
Reporting the news that matters, to faithful Catholics!

God Bless Cardinal Raymond Burke, and all Defenders of the Bride of Christ

The Holy Catholic Church
Królowanie Chrystusa na wieki
kard .Raymond Burke :
adeste fideles
Alcancé a guardar la calumnia de Magda Mares contra Adeste Fideles, así que pese a que enseguida desapareció misteriosamente el artículo donde la publicó como comentario, tengo copia de la misma.
adeste fideles
Por andar jugando a la Mata Hari cayó en juicio temerario, justo acusaba a adeste fideles y resultó que los juicios temerarios los lanzó ella.
One more comment from adeste fideles
adeste fideles
Sí, lo quitó tal vez la persona que me calumnió allí mismo: Magda Mares.
Fiel al Evangelio
😡 😡 Otro video que desaparecen los intolerantes que no soportan que se exponga a los herejes modernistas.
Lamentable espectáculo en Morelia
Fiel al Evangelio
Gloria tv another video was remove from somebody that not tolerate the truth
Lamentable espectáculo en Morelia
Libor Halik
Kard. Muller do kard. Marxa: jesteście filią Rzymu, nie decydujecie o doktrynie!
Data publikacji: 2015-03-26 17:00 Read more: www.pch24.pl/kard--muller-do…More
Kard. Muller do kard. Marxa: jesteście filią Rzymu, nie decydujecie o doktrynie!

Data publikacji: 2015-03-26 17:00 Read more: www.pch24.pl/kard--muller-do…
Peregrina de la fe
🙏 🙏 🙏
Libor Halik
Německá církev se vydává vlastní cestou.
Z jarního zasedání německé biskupské konference přicházejí nedobré vyhlídky
Jak uvádí agentura kath-net ve svém komentáři, tendence, o kterých mluvili nedávno němečtí biskupové Marx a Bode, bylo možno pozorovat již celá desetiletí. Ale dosud se s takovou jasností o nastoupení vlastní cesty ještě nikdo v Německu nevyjádřil. Němečtí biskupové …More
Německá církev se vydává vlastní cestou.
Z jarního zasedání německé biskupské konference přicházejí nedobré vyhlídky
Jak uvádí agentura kath-net ve svém komentáři, tendence, o kterých mluvili nedávno němečtí biskupové Marx a Bode, bylo možno pozorovat již celá desetiletí. Ale dosud se s takovou jasností o nastoupení vlastní cesty ještě nikdo v Německu nevyjádřil. Němečtí biskupové chtějí vydat k manželství a rodině svůj vlastní list. Chápou biskupskou synodu jako uvedení nové orientace teologie nejen v otázkách manželství, ale v otázkách morálky vůbec. „Nikoliv jen křesťanské poselství má nacházet ohlas u člověka, ale lidé musí nacházet rezonanci u své církve.“
Morální teolog Eberhard Schockenhoff hlásá, že v morálních otázkách má poslední rozhodující slovo osobní svědomí. Uplatníme – li tuto zásadu na situaci civilně sezdaných rozvedených, pak je jejich přístup k přijímání osobní záležitostí jednoho každého. Podobným způsobem argumentoval německý episkopát již ve svém prohlášení z Königsteinu z 30. srpna 1968, ve kterém odmítal encykliku Humanae vitae. Tehdy se jednalo o aplikaci antikocepce, kterou přenechávali němečtí biskupové i zpovědníci soukromému rozhodnutí manželů. Osobní svědomí však může podle apoštolů a podle nauky církve kompetentně rozhodovat jedině tehdy, když je náležitě vzděláno a formováno, aby dokázalo eliminovat náklonnost ke zlému, kterou způsobuje ovoce dědičného hříchu.
V celé této „německé koncepci“ jde v podstatě o nové paradigma, novou odlišnou teologii. Toto globální vykolejení směrem k jiné víře a církvi je logickým plodem dlouhodobého heretického působení německých teologických fakult.www.lumendelumine.cz/index.php
Libor Halik
500 anglických kněží: Jasné NE! ke Kasperovým návrhům
Catholic Herald zveřejnil petici 500 anglických katolických kněží, kteří vyslovili jednoznačné NE k návrhům kardinála Kaspera. Požadují, aby byla potvrzena a posílena tradiční církevní nauka o manželství. „Přejeme si vyslovit jako katoličtí kněží neochvějnou věrnost k tradiční nauce církve o manželství a k pravému významu lidské …More
500 anglických kněží: Jasné NE! ke Kasperovým návrhům
Catholic Herald zveřejnil petici 500 anglických katolických kněží, kteří vyslovili jednoznačné NE k návrhům kardinála Kaspera. Požadují, aby byla potvrzena a posílena tradiční církevní nauka o manželství. „Přejeme si vyslovit jako katoličtí kněží neochvějnou věrnost k tradiční nauce církve o manželství a k pravému významu lidské sexuality, které spočívají na Božím slovu a které učitelský úřad učí dva tisíce let“. „Zdůrazňujeme důležitost zachovat tradiční církevní kázeň pro přijímání svátostí, aby tato nauka a pastorační praxe byla pevně a neoddělitelně v souladu.
Jeden ze signatářů řekl katolickému týdeníku, že byl na kněze vyvíjen nátlak, aby petici nepodepisovali. Někteří vysoce postavení preláti se pokusili sáhnout k formám zastrašování. K signatářům patří také teologové jako Aidan Nichols a John Saward ( oba z Oxfordu), Andrew Pinset a známí preláti jako Robert Billing a Julian Large.
Před několika dny opět prohlásil kardinál Kasper, že obrana tradiční nauky a praxe církve je útokem proti jeho osobě.
katholisches.info www.lumendelumine.cz/index.php
2 more comments from Libor Halik
Libor Halik
Filial appeal to Pope Francis on the future of the family
4,691 Supporters one month ago www.lifesitenews.com/petitions/pope-francis-appeal We need 95,309 more signatures to reach our goal!
Holy Father,
In view of the Synod on the family to be held in October 2015, we filially address Your Holiness to express our fears and hopes regarding the future of the family.
Our fears arise from witnessing …More
Filial appeal to Pope Francis on the future of the family

4,691 Supporters one month ago www.lifesitenews.com/petitions/pope-francis-appeal We need 95,309 more signatures to reach our goal!

Holy Father,
In view of the Synod on the family to be held in October 2015, we filially address Your Holiness to express our fears and hopes regarding the future of the family.
Our fears arise from witnessing a decades-long sexual revolution promoted by an alliance of powerful organizations, political forces and the mass media that consistently work against the very existence of the family as the basic unit of society. Ever since the so-called May 1968 Sorbonne Revolution, a morality opposed to both Divine and natural law has been gradually and systematically imposed on us so implacably as to make it possible, for example, to teach the abhorrent "gender theory" to young children in many countries.
Catholic teaching on the Sixth Commandment of the Law of God shines like a beacon in the face of this ominous ideological objective. This beacon attracts many people -- overwhelmed by this hedonistic propaganda -- to the chaste and fecund family model taught by the Gospel and in accordance with natural law.
Your Holiness, in light of the information published on the last Synod, we note with anguish that, for millions of faithful Catholics, the beacon seems to have dimmed in face of the onslaught of lifestyles spread by anti-Christian lobbies. In fact, we see widespread confusion arising from the possibility that a breach has opened within the Church that would accept adultery -- by permitting divorced and then civilly remarried Catholics to receive Holy Communion -- and would virtually accept even homosexual unions when such practices are categorically condemned as being contrary to Divine and natural law.
Paradoxically, our hope stems from this confusion. Truly, in these circumstances, a word from Your Holiness is the only way to clarify the growing confusion amongst the faithful. It would prevent the very teaching of Jesus Christ from being watered down and would dispel the darkness looming over our children's future should that beacon no longer light their way.
Holy Father, we implore You to say this word. We do so with a heart devoted to all that You are and represent. We do so with the certainty that Your word will never disassociate pastoral practice from the teaching bequeathed by Jesus Christ and His vicars -- as this would only add to the confusion. Indeed Jesus taught us very clearly that there must be coherence between life and truth (cf. John 14:6-7); and He also warned us that the only way not to fall is to practice His doctrine (cf. Matt. 7:24-27).
Asking for Your apostolic blessing, we assure You of our prayers to the Holy Family -- Jesus, Mary and Joseph -- to enlighten Your Holiness in these crucially important circumstances.
Libor Halik
Confusion: In an interview with LifeSiteNews Cardinal Raymond Burke has confirmed that the Synod on the Family has produced confusion even among bishops. Burke mentioned specifically Bishop Johann Bonny of Antwerp who asked the Church to recognize gravely sinful homosex unions and never was disciplined. Cardinal Burke’s conclusion: “So we can see that the confusion is spreading, really, in an …More
Confusion: In an interview with LifeSiteNews Cardinal Raymond Burke has confirmed that the Synod on the Family has produced confusion even among bishops. Burke mentioned specifically Bishop Johann Bonny of Antwerp who asked the Church to recognize gravely sinful homosex unions and never was disciplined. Cardinal Burke’s conclusion: “So we can see that the confusion is spreading, really, in an alarming way.”
Chris P.
It is Sacrilege against the Body and Blood of our Lord, to receive Holy Communion while in the state of Mortal Sin.
Those choosing to continue committing Mortal Sin must never be permitted the Eucharist.
Continuing a sexual relationship with the valid spouse of another (adultery); or continuing a relationship of homosexual acts, or of fornication,
puts mans desires above God's laws.
People have …More
It is Sacrilege against the Body and Blood of our Lord, to receive Holy Communion while in the state of Mortal Sin.
Those choosing to continue committing Mortal Sin must never be permitted the Eucharist.
Continuing a sexual relationship with the valid spouse of another (adultery); or continuing a relationship of homosexual acts, or of fornication,
puts mans desires above God's laws.
People have a choice, they can choose God or their own sexual desires.
Chris P.
Doctrine of the Faith:
CCC: " 1415 Anyone who desires to receive Christ in Eucharistic communion must be in the state of grace.
Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance."
CCC: " 1451 Among the penitent's acts contrition occupies first place.
Contrition is "sorrow of the soul
and detestation for the sin committed, …More
Doctrine of the Faith:
CCC: " 1415 Anyone who desires to receive Christ in Eucharistic communion must be in the state of grace.
Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance."
CCC: " 1451 Among the penitent's acts contrition occupies first place.
Contrition is "sorrow of the soul
and detestation for the sin committed,
together with the resolution not to sin again."
One more comment from Chris P.
Chris P.
Sacred Scripture:
“Thou shall not commit Adultery” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:14 ; Deut 5:18.
“Thou shall not covet thy Neighbor’s wife” – GOD’s Commandment Ex 20:17 ; Deut 5.20.
JESUS regarding divorce and remarriage – Mk 10:6-12; Mt 5:32.
JESUS regarding adultery, mercy, and required repentance – “Go and Sin NO more” Jn 8:11.