59,3 tys.
Polski teolog Karol Wojtyla
Barbara Anna
każdy ksiądz jest zobligowany do tego, by skończyć teologię, teraz każdy ksiadz musi mieć wyższe wykształcenie
jakby JPII nie był mgr teologii (później oczywiscie zrobił doktorat) nie mógłby by być nawet zwykłym wikariuszem
On completion of his studies at the seminary in Kraków, Karol Wojtyła was ordained as a priest on All Saints' Day, 1 November 1946, by the Archbishop of Kraków, Cardinal Sapieha. He was then sent to study theology in Rome, at the Pontifical International Athenaeum Angelicum, where he earned a licentiate and later a doctorate in sacred theology. This doctorate, the first of two, was …Więcej

On completion of his studies at the seminary in Kraków, Karol Wojtyła was ordained as a priest on All Saints' Day, 1 November 1946, by the Archbishop of Kraków, Cardinal Sapieha. He was then sent to study theology in Rome, at the Pontifical International Athenaeum Angelicum, where he earned a licentiate and later a doctorate in sacred theology. This doctorate, the first of two, was based on the Latin dissertation The Doctrine of Faith According to Saint John of the Cross.

Mam przetlumaczyc na Polski? No chyba sie rozumiemy ...

Tylko prawda jest ciekawa
Karol Wojtyla byl filozofem z wyksztalcenia, a nie teologiem.
Stad mysle ze popelnil tyle bledow, bo nie znal teologii KK.
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