Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of January 2015 Retraction: During yesterday’s general audience, Pope Francis has tried to correct his controversial comparison of Catholics with many children with rabbits …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of January 2015
Retraction: During yesterday’s general audience, Pope Francis has tried to correct his controversial comparison of Catholics with many children with rabbits. Yesterday he said: “I have heard that families with many children are among the reasons if poverty. It seems to me that this is a simplistic opinion. The main reason for poverty is an economical system that has removed the person from the center and has replaced it by the god of money.”
No Mercy: Bishop Felix Genn of Münster, Germany, has banned 67-year-old Father Paul Spätling from preaching after Father had spoken at an anti-Islam rally in Duisburg. The protest opposed an alleged Islamization of the West. Spätling had criticized the fact that the illumination of Cologne Cathedral was switched off because of an anti-Islamization protest.
Forbidden Word: The battle of the Catholic Church in Malaysia to use the word “Allah” for God in the Catholic newsweekly Herald came to an end Wednesday …More
Holy. Father Francis encouraged Slovakia to courage in supporting families Vatican Jan. 22 (RV) On this morning Mass in the chapel of Pope Francis House Vol. Marty the Vatican was attended by a group of Slovaks. It was about 25 young people studying or working in Rome who are involved in the life of Slovak Catholic Mission in Rome (DCC). The Holy Father has already expressed in the initial joy of …More
Holy. Father Francis encouraged Slovakia to courage in supporting families Vatican Jan. 22 (RV) On this morning Mass in the chapel of Pope Francis House Vol. Marty the Vatican was attended by a group of Slovaks. It was about 25 young people studying or working in Rome who are involved in the life of Slovak Catholic Mission in Rome (DCC). The Holy Father has already expressed in the initial joy of welcoming their active participation in the life of the Diocese of Rome and expressed his concern about the current situation in Slovakia. He appreciated the attention which, in Slovakia is dedicated to the protection of family values in the forthcoming referendum. Slovaks in this regard encouraged the courage to be "coraggio".

"Slovakia has a special role in building Europe of the third millennium. Well so be aware! Catholics must not remain on the brink of social and political life ... It is not enough to declare themselves Catholics. It should give evidence of the facts of faith, of which the Acts of the Apostles. It is a faith that is most pronounced in love ... Slovakia is called to offer Europe, especially the gift of their faith in Christ and his devotion to Mary. Do not be afraid! "(St. John Paul II., 1995)

🙏 🙏 🙏
Video: More than 20.000 at PEGIDA Dresden – Netherland speaker reading a welcome speech of Geert Wilders.
Welcome speech by Geert Wilders in the wording:
My dear friends in Dresden,
It happened really fabulous here in Dresden. Dresden shows how it's done. Europe looks on you. You are not alone. You are part of something very Great. In Germany, in Netherlands, in …More
Video: More than 20.000 at PEGIDA Dresden – Netherland speaker reading a welcome speech of Geert Wilders.
Welcome speech by Geert Wilders in the wording:

My dear friends in Dresden,
It happened really fabulous here in Dresden. Dresden shows how it's done. Europe looks on you. You are not alone. You are part of something very Great. In Germany, in Netherlands, in Europe. You fulfilled the hopes of many. You are the voice of the people against the elite. You are the people!

In Germany, people have enough of it.
In the Netherlands, people have enough of it.
In Europe, people have enough of it.

Enough of the terror and hatred.
Enough of the attacks, enough of the bloodshed.
Enough of the Islamization.
Enough of the political elites,
who betray our judeo christian identity and our traditions,
destroy our children's future,
and operate the sellout of our countries and our civilization.
In Europe people "We are the people" say! And we are tired of it!"

I support you by heart. Millions in Europe support you. I'm proud of you.
We want what you want: a free people, a free country, a civilized country, and not Islamization.
Let us fight together! No one can stop us!
Long live freedom!

Geert Wilders
The LORD said: "I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt and I heard its loud lament over their suppressors. I know their suffering. I have descended to snatch the hand of the Egyptians and from the country list in a beautiful wide land, in a country where milk and honey flow, in the area of the Canaanites, Hetites, Amorites, Perisite, Hivite and the Jebusite. Now has saturate the loud lament …More
The LORD said: "I have seen the affliction of my people in Egypt and I heard its loud lament over their suppressors. I know their suffering. I have descended to snatch the hand of the Egyptians and from the country list in a beautiful wide land, in a country where milk and honey flow, in the area of the Canaanites, Hetites, Amorites, Perisite, Hivite and the Jebusite. Now has saturate the loud lament of the Israelites to me and I've also seen how the Egyptians suppress them. And now go! I am sending you to Pharaoh. Bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt!" 2. Moses 3.7-10
...The LORD said to Moses: "When you go and go back to Egypt, hold all the wonders in mind, that I put in your hand, and accomplish before the Pharaoh! I will harden his heart, so that he can be not pulled the people. Then say to Pharaoh: Thus saith Yahweh: Israel is my first-born son. I'm telling you: Let my son go, so that he can worship me. If you refuse to let him go, I will kill your first-born son." 2. Moses 4.21-23
2 more comments from Josefine
The PEGIDA demonstration in Dresden takes place today at 14:30 - WE ARE THE PEOPLE !
The history of the People of God, of ancient Israel, repeats itself in our time. God leads his people out from the enslavement, as He lead out Israel, his first-born Son, out of Egypt. Jesus is Israel, the spiritual Israel, and his people, with whom He has made up a …More
The PEGIDA demonstration in Dresden takes place today at 14:30 - WE ARE THE PEOPLE !

The history of the People of God, of ancient Israel, repeats itself in our time. God leads his people out from the enslavement, as He lead out Israel, his first-born Son, out of Egypt. Jesus is Israel, the spiritual Israel, and his people, with whom He has made up a new and eternal Covenant.

The Apostle Paul clearly says that the experience of the Israelites – recorded during her excerpt from Egypt - to the benefit of the living today "on which the end of the world times has come". It went through a rocky and barren desert, and many began to wine and grumble, and felled in the desert:
"I don't want my brothers, that you leave aside, that our fathers all under the cloud are and all passed through the sea. They were all baptized on Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and they have eaten all of same spiritual food and all drink the same spiritual drink, because they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them. But the rock was Christ.
But the majority of them God was not well pleased; namely, they were felled in the desert. These things are done as a model for us, so we are eager not for evil, just as those were eager.
Will also not idolaters, as well as quite a few of them, as it is written: "The people sat down to eat and to drink, and stood up to enjoy to ". Let also fornicate us not, as quite a few of them drove fornication, and it fell on a day of 23 000. Let do not us even to try Christ, as also some of them tried Him and were killed by the snakes. Also, not murmur as even several of them grumbled and were killed by the spoiler. All these things but, which happened those are role models, and they were written down as a warning for us to which is come the end of the world times..." 1. Corinthians 10, 1-11

DEAR LORD JESUS, thank you that you have seen the affliction of your people. You know our suffering, because you have heard our loud lament over our suppressors.
Bestead us, that we not fail and not try You how many of the ancient Israel, and felled in the desert.
Therefore bestead today your ecclesia, your people that you have chosen from the world, who are seduced by many anti Christians and false Prophets, and dangerous Ideologues, who do not stand in Your Word. Therefore, awake and enlighten Your People. Amen.
The statements and actions of the alleged bishops are not an expression of the christian faith, but just godless.
"The official position of the Church" was the prompt to the Christians, their home - Iraq and Syria not to leave...!
The only request to this abuse of office is: please you, all politicians - particularly the Minister of Justice and the judges, bishops and your Islamic …More
The statements and actions of the alleged bishops are not an expression of the christian faith, but just godless.
"The official position of the Church" was the prompt to the Christians, their home - Iraq and Syria not to leave...!
The only request to this abuse of office is: please you, all politicians - particularly the Minister of Justice and the judges, bishops and your Islamic brothers, that you quit the abused offices and plentys, and all that you have stolen!
It should not be forget, that their anti-christian dark doings has disastrous effects on the population in the middle east and in Europe, primarily in Germany and Sweden.
It is an abuse of the office without precedent, an barbarian war against innocent children and adults.
They are responsible that in Germany alone every day 1000 children are murdered in the womb, and that thousands of Europeans are victims of robbery and murder by immigrants.
They have open the borders to agitate many criminals on the Europeans!

And collateral they force abuse with the people's money, because they finance all mosques, islamic citizens and asylum-seeker, offer them plenty of living space, but many young Europeans are unemployed and homeless.
The Titanic sank through a collision with an iceberg in 1912, and I think that the world is constantly doomed since 2012 through the war against the Christians.

LORD JESUS, give us justice against our enemies, who wage war against your people, Amen.
la verdad prevalece
El Corán niega que Alá sea el mismo Dios revelado a Moisés
El Corán dice que Alá es imposible de conocer.
A Alá No le importa el hombre; no tiene interacción con el hombre.
Ala no es ni Padre, ni hijo, ni Espíritu.
Alá no puede se definido.
El dios del Corán contradice al Dios del Antiguo Testamento y el dios del Corán cambió las profecías bíblicas sostenidas en el Antiguo Testamento de que …More
El Corán niega que Alá sea el mismo Dios revelado a Moisés
El Corán dice que Alá es imposible de conocer.
A Alá No le importa el hombre; no tiene interacción con el hombre.
Ala no es ni Padre, ni hijo, ni Espíritu.
Alá no puede se definido.
El dios del Corán contradice al Dios del Antiguo Testamento y el dios del Corán cambió las profecías bíblicas sostenidas en el Antiguo Testamento de que Jesús se llamaría Dios poderoso, Príncipe de Paz, etc dándole el titulo del "ultimo profeta" a Mahoma.
la verdad prevalece
👍 Leonard Wessell
De acuerdo al diccionario Webster, la palabra Alá es una palabra compuesta por la palabra árabe al-ilah que significa "el dios". El nombre del dios Alá puede encontrarse en escrituras preislámicas Alá era el nombre titulo del dios luna. Kabah fue construida para honrar a la deidad principal, el dios luna. La familia de Mahoma era adepta a la adoración del dios luna Alá. Este …More
👍 Leonard Wessell
De acuerdo al diccionario Webster, la palabra Alá es una palabra compuesta por la palabra árabe al-ilah que significa "el dios". El nombre del dios Alá puede encontrarse en escrituras preislámicas Alá era el nombre titulo del dios luna. Kabah fue construida para honrar a la deidad principal, el dios luna. La familia de Mahoma era adepta a la adoración del dios luna Alá. Este fue el ídolo entre los cientos de ídolos que Mahoma escogió como el "dios verdadero". Esta documentado que Alá era un dios entre muchos del mundo árabe.
Aun se encuentra la influencia preislámica en los templos de adoración islámica que tienen un techo en forma de luna creciente amarillenta. Un ídolo preislámico convertido en el siglo VII en un nuevo dios no puede ser el mismo revelado a los profetas bíblicos. El mismo Corán niega las características del Dios revelado a Moisés.
Leonard Wessell
@la-verdad-prevalece: Estoy de acuerdo!
la verdad prevalece
Leonard Wessell 👍 Actualmente puede existir una confusión por el sincretismo religioso pero el origen de "Allah" esta documentado que las tribus paganas árabes ya tenían un culto a ese falso dios y que Mahoma lo escogió de entre todos los dioses falsos existentes. El mismo Corán niega el Dios revelado a Moisés. Ese nombre ya existía de acuerdo a la cultura preislámica.
Thanks for the News.
Great Job
Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.
Leonard Wessell
The report on "Allah" is etimologically wrong. "Allah" was at the time of Mohammed the name of the "god" (not the god) Mohammed's tribe, there being countless gods floating about. Mohammed took his tribal god, blew it up into HIS one god, destroying other gods (many of vedic origin representing the much higher cultural level of vedic religion over the then current primitivism of Mohammed and his …More
The report on "Allah" is etimologically wrong. "Allah" was at the time of Mohammed the name of the "god" (not the god) Mohammed's tribe, there being countless gods floating about. Mohammed took his tribal god, blew it up into HIS one god, destroying other gods (many of vedic origin representing the much higher cultural level of vedic religion over the then current primitivism of Mohammed and his mafia like clans. That "Allah" may have become a generic name is another matter. By refusing Christians (and Hindus) the use of said general appellation, the Muslims there have returned to the god of Mohammed's world conquering tribe. And, come to think of it, that is Islam.
Leonard Wessell
The Pope's retraction was worse then his demeaning comment. What economic system? I live in Germany and cannot see where the "captitalist" system (insofar as gov. interventionism is not destroying it) is failing. The more the gov. enters into the system, the more "money" loses its caculative function (cf. Ludwig von Mises and particularly Friedrich von Hayek or Milton Friedman). Money is not "god"…More
The Pope's retraction was worse then his demeaning comment. What economic system? I live in Germany and cannot see where the "captitalist" system (insofar as gov. interventionism is not destroying it) is failing. The more the gov. enters into the system, the more "money" loses its caculative function (cf. Ludwig von Mises and particularly Friedrich von Hayek or Milton Friedman). Money is not "god" in free market capitalism, rather it is the product of trade willingness of millions of people and for that reason it measures social wants by giving them mathematical value mediated by money values. Now individuals, big capitalists, little capitalists or big or tiny welfare distributors of money, can seek life meaning in amassing money or controlling it and in that sense become little "gods". But then so can any individual grasp up life's meaning by playing the role of the great welfare-director. The head of the American Social division, the good, welfare spending, Pope Francis loving, Catholic Sibelius (?) enacted Pres. Obama's massive abortion program which, by the way, led to ca 31,000+ abortions vs ca 26,000 births among Blacks in NYC in 2012. (How is that, Mr. Pope for welfare concern for the poor? Right on, no? The Black poor in NYC were indeed reduced in number, literally so. This type of uninformed papal blah-blah is used to elect welfare leaders such as Obama to power, who then can create the genocide of Blacks in America. If no one believes me, consult YouTube and watch the 2 hour < Maafa 21 > documentary, thinking along about who is playing "god".) The Pope, leaving aside his vast economic ignorance, has logically mixed up categories, i.e. a means of self-aggrandizement unto "god", e.g. money being one means, with the dynamics of the process of self-divinization, a dynamics that not only a captitalist, but a welfare director or an American president can internalize, but also a pope or are popes immaculate. "Know thy self!", a wise word from Socrates. Alas, Pope Francis, with his fast moving and not reflecting mouth, is not wise.