Taiwan's VP Receives Sacrilegious Communion

Photo: VP Joe Biden receiving communion next to Cardinal Dolan. Edit: Taiwan's Vice President, Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), has committed an act of sacrilege by consuming the Host and the Precious Blood at …More
Photo: VP Joe Biden receiving communion next to Cardinal Dolan.
Edit: Taiwan's Vice President, Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), has committed an act of sacrilege by consuming the Host and the Precious Blood at the Canonization Mass, despite warnings given previously by the Taiwanese diplomatic corp.
Even the Taiwan Bishops' Conference had a clear statement.
It's hard to see how, given the readiness with which it was given in the past to other world leaders, or the ecumenical atmosphere and informality which now seems to rule in the Vatican, how he would have been worried about offending such a protocol at all. There have been no comments from the Vatican yet. Do they even care? Still, there has been a lot of criticism of the VP by people who seem to be quite ashamed of him, as Taiwan News reports:
A secretary for Taiwan’s Catholic Bishops’ Conference confirmed that the Eucharist should be only for Catholics who have undergone baptism by an ordained priest.
wirewrapper Thanks for your comment. May God bless you 😇
I am not surprised by this egregious actions by the pagan Taiwanese government which likes to try and make itself look like the are just like everyone else without trying to understand any situation. The government in Taiwan is a big joke and it is a nation run by some of the awfulist money worshiping pagans presently in this end of China.
It's kind of funny to because the current president has been …More
I am not surprised by this egregious actions by the pagan Taiwanese government which likes to try and make itself look like the are just like everyone else without trying to understand any situation. The government in Taiwan is a big joke and it is a nation run by some of the awfulist money worshiping pagans presently in this end of China.
It's kind of funny to because the current president has been cozying up to the Church here with a lot of political events untilizing the Church. Now his political opposition has been taking up the position of being more progressive, pro-"gay marriage", greater independence and relations with the USA and Japan. The vice-president of Taiwan's receiving of communion is a kind of political posturing that will only cost his party its position of present rule in Taiwan and will only push Taiwan the path of the greater potential of China crushing Taiwan rather that the Vice Presidents and his political parties desire to assimilate with China. Please pray for Taiwan.