Papal Mass. Our Lord's body is handed around.More
Papal Mass.

Our Lord's body is handed around.
Ni siquiera dicen "El cuerpo de Cristo" = "Amén". ¿Ahora como van a justificar esto los "fans" de Bergogio? Ah! ya se, le van a echar la culpa a los filipinos, así él sale librado.
errata: In addition to the justified criticism I suggest a prayer of expiation which in Poland will take place tomorrow, on Thursday January 22, 2015. Moreover, anyone can send a protest to the Curia in Manilla.
Católico De Corazón
[92.].... póngase especial cuidado en que el comulgante consuma inmediatamente la hostia, delante del ministro, y ninguno se aleje teniendo en la mano las especies eucarísticas. Si existe peligro de profanación, no se distribuya a los fieles la Comunión en la mano.[179]
[93.] La bandeja para la Comunión de los fieles se debe mantener, para evitar el peligro de que caiga la hostia sagrada o algún …More
[92.].... póngase especial cuidado en que el comulgante consuma inmediatamente la hostia, delante del ministro, y ninguno se aleje teniendo en la mano las especies eucarísticas. Si existe peligro de profanación, no se distribuya a los fieles la Comunión en la mano.[179]

[93.] La bandeja para la Comunión de los fieles se debe mantener, para evitar el peligro de que caiga la hostia sagrada o algún fragmento.[180]

[94.] No está permitido que los fieles tomen la hostia consagrada ni el cáliz sagrado «por sí mismos, ni mucho menos que se lo pasen entre sí de mano en mano».[181] En esta materia, además, debe suprimirse el abuso de que los esposos, en la Misa nupcial, se administren de modo recíproco la sagrada Comunión.
Sobre algunas cosas que se deben observar o evitar acerca de la Santísima Eucaristía)
Católico De Corazón
[ 92. ] .... Si prega di particolare attenzione che il comunicando consumano immediatamente l'ospite , prima che il ministro , e nessuno si allontani portando la specie mano eucaristica . Se c'è pericolo di profanazione , la Comunione fedeli non è distribuito in mano . [ 179 ] [ 93 ] Il vassoio per la Comunione dei fedeli deve essere mantenuto , per evitare il pericolo di caduta della sacra ostia …More
[ 92. ] .... Si prega di particolare attenzione che il comunicando consumano immediatamente l'ospite , prima che il ministro , e nessuno si allontani portando la specie mano eucaristica . Se c'è pericolo di profanazione , la Comunione fedeli non è distribuito in mano . [ 179 ] [ 93 ] Il vassoio per la Comunione dei fedeli deve essere mantenuto , per evitare il pericolo di caduta della sacra ostia o qualche frammento . [ 180 ] [ 94 ] Non è ammesso che i fedeli prendono l'ostia consacrata o il calice sacro " per se stessi , tanto meno che sarebbe passare l'un l'altro di pari passo ". [ 181 ] In questa materia anche soppressi abuso dei coniugi nella Messa nuziale , reciprocamente somministrato Santa Comunione . ( Redemptionis SACRAMENTUM Su alcune cose che si devono osservare ed evitare circa la Santissima Eucaristia )
One more comment from Católico De Corazón
Católico De Corazón
[ 92 . ] .... Please special care that the communicant immediately consume the host , before the Minister , and no one goes away carrying the Eucharistic species hand . If there is a risk of profanation , the faithful Communion is not distributed in hand. [179 ] [ 93 ] The tray for the Communion of the faithful should be retained , to avoid the danger of dropping the sacred host or some fragment. …More
[ 92 . ] .... Please special care that the communicant immediately consume the host , before the Minister , and no one goes away carrying the Eucharistic species hand . If there is a risk of profanation , the faithful Communion is not distributed in hand. [179 ] [ 93 ] The tray for the Communion of the faithful should be retained , to avoid the danger of dropping the sacred host or some fragment. [180 ] [ 94 ] It is not permitted that the faithful take the consecrated host or the sacred chalice " for themselves , much less that would pass each other hand in hand." [181 ] In this matter also be deleted abuse of the spouses in the nuptial Mass , reciprocally administered holy Communion . ( INSTRUCTION REDEMPTIONIS SACRAMENTUM On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist )
Blasphemy occurs when a person wants to be in the "center" - the focus and the object. Anthropocentrism places the man in the place of God. One of the main symptoms of anthropocentrism is the loss of faith in the real presence of God in the Blessed Sacrament - Holy Communion. This in turn leads to a mass insensitivity. One of the injections against violent doubt of the presence of Our Lord in the …More
Blasphemy occurs when a person wants to be in the "center" - the focus and the object. Anthropocentrism places the man in the place of God. One of the main symptoms of anthropocentrism is the loss of faith in the real presence of God in the Blessed Sacrament - Holy Communion. This in turn leads to a mass insensitivity. One of the injections against violent doubt of the presence of Our Lord in the Holy Host may be a spectacular profanity when the insensible actors in the society of spectacle suddenly become agitated or faithful Catholics through protests and encouragement urge them to publicly expiate.

Responsible for the particular blasphemy are specific individuals with a name. One may read in the news report dated in January 19, 2015 "The Cardinal of Manila(Luis Antonio Tagle) canceled other Masses throughout the archdiocese to enhance turnout. The crowd was so dense in spots that people passed hosts to fellow worshippers unable to reach priests distributing Communion." It is therefore important that the faithful are not deliberately, at all costs, focused to the worship of man, as in this case the Pope, but always encouraged in the first place to worship God. If so, the probability of intentional or unintentional blasphemy will be significantly reduced. It will be possible provided that the Catholic faith is based on the "fides et ratio" and not on "fides et sensus".

In addition to the justified criticism I suggest a prayer of expiation which in Poland will take place tomorrow, on Thursday January 21, 2015. Moreover, anyone can send a protest to the Curia in Manilla.
Francesco I
adeste fideles
Thanks for the conspiracy theory friend and for trying to change the topic too. I have a phone so I can access this site from wherever I am. I can surely post comments between everything else I do, especially when so much here is presented as Catholic but is actually harsh in it's judgments of fellow Catholics.
Make whatever comments you like about me, they're quite entertaining.
How long …More

Thanks for the conspiracy theory friend and for trying to change the topic too. I have a phone so I can access this site from wherever I am. I can surely post comments between everything else I do, especially when so much here is presented as Catholic but is actually harsh in it's judgments of fellow Catholics.

Make whatever comments you like about me, they're quite entertaining.

How long have I been here, my very first post was about my Catholic podcast series called What the Faith. I was shocked and saddened when I suddenly realised how against the Pope some of the news commentary and the users themselves were - and without good reason. I couldn't stay silent so I seek to dialogue with people and correct where I see issues with their comments - some are kind enough to talk back, others ignore me completely, and others make generalisations about me that have no basis in truth.

Finally, I don't admonish people with different opinions, just ones that have no link to Catholic teaching.
@Glocker...you'll notice the 'keyboard warrior' on this website seeks only to admonish those who have a differing of opinion. If he doesn't like it here, he's only one click away. He must be quite bored with himslf. But truly, I think he's been around here longer than you might think.
Nonsense, I think anti-Francis keyboard warriors are the ones having the field-day, unfortunately good sense escapes them :(
Satanists must of had a 'field day'! Wonder how many Hosts fell on the ground also. What a disgrace.
Praise God that Pope Francis was available for these people to have mass with their Pope and that they were able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist despite the very difficult circumstances.
Anyone offended by this should get down from their Ivory towers and show a little compassion.More
Praise God that Pope Francis was available for these people to have mass with their Pope and that they were able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist despite the very difficult circumstances.

Anyone offended by this should get down from their Ivory towers and show a little compassion.
la verdad prevalece
😡 Francisco ha permitido un sacrilegio en Manila. Se supone que debe ser un fiel custodio y velar por el bien de la Iglesia y es obvio que Francisco por estar ocupado por complacer al mundo y a los que son del mundo no esta cumpliendo con el deber del cargo que el dice ocupar. 🤨 Francisco no vela por la salvación de las almas ya que también en otras ocasiones Francisco ha permitido en sus misas …More
😡 Francisco ha permitido un sacrilegio en Manila. Se supone que debe ser un fiel custodio y velar por el bien de la Iglesia y es obvio que Francisco por estar ocupado por complacer al mundo y a los que son del mundo no esta cumpliendo con el deber del cargo que el dice ocupar. 🤨 Francisco no vela por la salvación de las almas ya que también en otras ocasiones Francisco ha permitido en sus misas que el vicepresidente progay y proabortista de los Estados Unidos Joe Biden y la radical liberal Nancy Pelosii cometan sacrilegio publico al comulgar en estado de pecado Mortal en las misas que ha celebrado Francisco.

😡 El texto del documento Redemptoris sacramentum detalló específicamente esto como un grave abuso y texto prohíbe pasar la hostia entre los fieles en misas concurridas.