Masculinity and Catholicism RealCatholicTV on Jan 17, 2012 The true notion of masculinity and the sacrifice that true men should be exercising in the practice of their Catholic Faith is a far flung …More
Masculinity and Catholicism

RealCatholicTV on Jan 17, 2012 The true notion of masculinity and the sacrifice that true men should be exercising in the practice of their Catholic Faith is a far flung notion in today's society.
“L’Osservatore Romano” has published a speech given recently by the English Prime Minister David Cameron: “If we don't stand for something, we can't stand against anything”
vatican insider staff
“We are a Christian Country. And we should not be afraid to say so.” These words made headlines in the Holy See’s newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, as it welcomed them with satisfaction. The message …More
“L’Osservatore Romano” has published a speech given recently by the English Prime Minister David Cameron: “If we don't stand for something, we can't stand against anything”
vatican insider staff

“We are a Christian Country. And we should not be afraid to say so.” These words made headlines in the Holy See’s newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, as it welcomed them with satisfaction. The message was sent out by the English Prime Minister David Cameron in Canterbury Cathedral, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of King James’ translation of the Bible into English.

During his speech – which was published by L’Osservatore Romano – the British Prime Minister said: “I know and fully respect that many people in this country do not have a religion. And I am also incredibly proud that Britain is home to many different faith communities, who do so much to make our country stronger.” But he proudly reminded his audience “that the Bible has helped to give Britain a set of values and morals which make Britain what it is today.” Indeed, according to Cameron, “moral neutrality should not be an option. You can’t fight something with nothing. Because if we don’t stand for something, we can’t stand against anything,” he stated.

In the speech published by the Pope’s newspaper, Cameron glorified his Country’s Christian roots in the fields of culture and language as well: “Along with Shakespeare, the King James Bible is a high point of the English language creating arresting phrases that move, challenge and inspire. It is part of the glue that can help to bind us together.”

Cameron said the Bible’s “language permeates every aspect of our culture and heritage, from everyday phrases to our greatest works of literature, music and art.” To the extent that we do indeed “live and breathe the language of the King James Bible, sometimes without even realising it.”

“Just as our language and culture is steeped in the Bible, so too is our politics,” the Prime Minister observed. “From human rights and equality to our constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, from the role of the church in the first forms of welfare provision, to the many modern day faith-led social action projects.” “The Bible – he concluded - has been a spur to action for people of faith throughout history, and it remains so today.”
Micahel Voris: Masculinity and Catholicism
"The true notion of masculinity and the sacrifice that true men should be exercising in the practice of their Catholic Faith is a far flung notion in today's society."More
Micahel Voris: Masculinity and Catholicism

"The true notion of masculinity and the sacrifice that true men should be exercising in the practice of their Catholic Faith is a far flung notion in today's society."