Benedict XVI: The Church creates bridges of solidarity. The mission of the Swiss Guards is not only a service to the Pope, but also to all those who live or come to the Vatican to visit the See of …More
Benedict XVI: The Church creates bridges of solidarity.

The mission of the Swiss Guards is not only a service to the Pope, but also to all those who live or come to the Vatican to visit the See of Peter. Benedict XVI highlighted this in his speech to the Swiss Guards on May 7th, the day after the new recruits took their oaths.Take community life as your model and draw inspiration from the example of the saints and from faith. This is a very important experience that the Church here wants to offer you, so that you can make it your own and transmit it to others: the experience that, in the faith in Jesus Christ and in His love for mankind, even worlds that are very dispersed can become one unique reality, creating in this manner bridges of peace and solidari ...