The Murder of Fr. Aleksandr Men. Narrator: It was Sunday. People were waiting for Fr. Aleksandr at Liturgy, but he didn’t arrive… Ada: …Father didn’t turn up and everybody was worried, we couldn’t …More
The Murder of Fr. Aleksandr Men.

It was Sunday. People were waiting for Fr. Aleksandr at Liturgy, but he didn’t arrive…

…Father didn’t turn up and everybody was worried, we couldn’t understand what was going on. …Masha Temina and I decided to go to Fr. Men’s house to find out why he hadn’t come to perform the liturgy. …

1990 was very eventful: … And all of a sudden such a tragic event occurred – the murder of Father Men. …

… Journalists that had interviewed Fr. Alexander received calls, forbidding them from broadcasting the remaining interviews threatening them with revenge, …

I know from a reliable source that they still dislike Men in the KGB to this day …

On the 9th of September 1990, the priest Aleksandr Men was killed on his way to church. Somebody approached him from behind and struck his head with a sharp instrument. Fr.Men died from loss of blood close to his house.

He reached the gate, leaned on it and collapsed. I shouted something, I don’t remember myself. I said to Masha: “go away, otherwise they’ll kill us all”.