St Hugh of Lincoln. Today is the feast of St Hugh, a French Carthusian monk, who became the abbot of the first English Charterhouse, and later Bishop of Lincoln. Hugh loved animals, and the story of …More
St Hugh of Lincoln.

Today is the feast of St Hugh, a French Carthusian monk, who became the abbot of the first English Charterhouse, and later Bishop of Lincoln. Hugh loved animals, and the story of the swan is told at length in the Magna Vita Sancti Hugonis, written by Hugh’s chaplain, Adam of Eynsham. The swan arrived at Stowe, the bishop's palace near Lincoln, on the day of Hugh’s enthronement as bishop, and from Adam’s description it was evidently an unusually large swan. It became tame and St Hugh adopted it as a pet. ‘On Hugh’s last visit the swan was very melancholy and after the saint’s death it was realised that it had been “sadly taking leave of its master for the last time”. It survived him many years.’ This stained glass window of the saint is in the church of St Oswald in Durham.

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr