California Wildfire envelopes Los Angeles Freeway burning Vehicles. wochitnews on Jul 17, 2015A portion of Interstate 15 running through the Cajon Pass in northern Los Angeles county has been engulfed …More
California Wildfire envelopes Los Angeles Freeway burning Vehicles.

wochitnews on Jul 17, 2015A portion of Interstate 15 running through the Cajon Pass in northern Los Angeles county has been engulfed by a wild fire. The fire led to an abrupt halt to traffic on the highway.
Since traffic stopped, multiple vehicles have burst into flame due to the proximal heat from the wild fire.
Video footage from local news networks captured many vehicles burning, including a semi-truck and it's trailer.
The San Bernardino County Fire Department has described the scene as a mass casualty incident.
No figures of injured have been released.
The fire has reportedly spread across 2,000 acres.