156,8 tis.
@kfarley - Indeed that man, indeed. 👍
ACL I will pray for them because I believe there has to be a reason for their rage. They may have been hurt by someone within the Church and this is tragic if this be the case. The problem 10Virgins, Trady and others need to realize is that Vatican II is not to blame for individuals who use their free will to do evil. The Church has had Popes LONG BEFORE Vatican II who are looked upon as bad Popes …Viac
ACL I will pray for them because I believe there has to be a reason for their rage. They may have been hurt by someone within the Church and this is tragic if this be the case. The problem 10Virgins, Trady and others need to realize is that Vatican II is not to blame for individuals who use their free will to do evil. The Church has had Popes LONG BEFORE Vatican II who are looked upon as bad Popes who did not do the Will of God and actually were evil in their actions. Was Vatican II to blame for their evils when Vatican II did not even exist then?! Vatican II has become an excuse for those who wish to complain and leave the Catholic church instead of having the courage to remain and strengthen their weakened bretheran.
@kfarley - Poor man, 10virgils is quite disturbed. We need to pray for him and those like him (e.g. Trady and Romero7). Logic, theology and common mature reason means nothing to a man given over to inner rages of evil. May our Lord and Lady help them.
Pax in Domino
@kfarley - Poor man, 10virgils is quite disturbed. We need to pray for him and those like him (e.g. Trady and Romero7). Logic, theology and common mature reason means nothing to a man given over to inner rages of evil. May our Lord and Lady help them.

Pax in Domino
10Virgins you need to get some help. You are filled with rage and are acting like a demon whom you accuse others of being like. Every post you put forth is like the ranting of an unclean spirit. Do you really believe that Jesus would approve of how you are behaving and the accusations that you are leveling? You do not behave as one filled with holiness and are showing nothing but inner turmoil coming …Viac
10Virgins you need to get some help. You are filled with rage and are acting like a demon whom you accuse others of being like. Every post you put forth is like the ranting of an unclean spirit. Do you really believe that Jesus would approve of how you are behaving and the accusations that you are leveling? You do not behave as one filled with holiness and are showing nothing but inner turmoil coming from your statements.
@ Rope - Not to mention the sentiments of Romero7...... poor chaps. 🥴
holyrope 3
10virgins, your not with the SSPX...but your just trying to ruin their reputation of a good traditional order who has formed and brought us the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of the Good Shepherd and more.
You should be ashamed of yourself!Viac
10virgins, your not with the SSPX...but your just trying to ruin their reputation of a good traditional order who has formed and brought us the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of the Good Shepherd and more.

You should be ashamed of yourself!
Greetings Anna of Armenia - I just wanted to briefly comment on your background image of “St Hripsime / Սուրբ Հռիփսիմէ”. The image of Saint Hripsime found in the Church of St Hripsime is exquisite and the face of the Virgin Martyr is utterly sublime.
@ Cannoli - 😀 😀 😀 😁
Quite!! 🤗Viac
@ Cannoli - 😀 😀 😀 😁

Quite!! 🤗
Holy Cannoli
Holy Cannoli
If a few of the 10 virgins could find boyfriends, maybe they wouldn't be so bitter. No, Ira. I'm not volunteering.
😊 😊 😊 😊 😊
If a few of the 10 virgins could find boyfriends, maybe they wouldn't be so bitter. No, Ira. I'm not volunteering.

😊 😊 😊 😊 😊

😡 Report Romero7 to Don, PLEASE!
10virgins - Unless you can offer logical theological arguments rejecting the entire Book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament, and that core element of Divine Revelation, namely, the sending of the Holy Spirit ("to lead unto all truth"), and His number or place in the Most Holy Trinity, you have NO right to attribute the Charismatic Movement to "demons". How uninformed and unchristian!!
10Virgins what is your opinion of Pope Benedict XVI?
"Ó Bože, pošli nám prorocká kázání, která hledají a pálí! Pošli nám proroky mučedníky - obtížené, spoutané, skloněné lidi, zlomené viděním hrozícího soudu a nekonečného zahynutí kvůli zatvrzelosti."
"Kazatelé udělali slavnými kazatelny; proroci udělali slavnými vězení, ve kterých trpěli. Kéž nám Bůh pošle proroky - hrozné muže, kteří křičí a nikoho nešetří, kteří pokropí národy …
"Ó Bože, pošli nám prorocká kázání, která hledají a pálí! Pošli nám proroky mučedníky - obtížené, spoutané, skloněné lidi, zlomené viděním hrozícího soudu a nekonečného zahynutí kvůli zatvrzelosti."
"Kazatelé udělali slavnými kazatelny; proroci udělali slavnými vězení, ve kterých trpěli. Kéž nám Bůh pošle proroky - hrozné muže, kteří křičí a nikoho nešetří, kteří pokropí národy svým utrpením - muže příliš horké, aby bylo možné se jich držet, příliš tvrdé, aby bylo možné je poslouchat, příliš nemilosrdné, aby někoho šetřili."
"Jsme unaveni lidmi v měkkém rouše s měkkými řečmi, kteří mluví spousty slov, ale naprosto bez moci. Tito vědí více o konkurenci než o posvěcení, o reklamě než o modlitbě. Více se starají o své církevní štěstí než o svatost." Leonardf Ravenhil
Leonard Ravenhill řekl: Kdyby Ježíš kázal to, co kážou současní kazatelé, nikdy by ho neukřižovali. Dříve byla Církev záchranným člunem, který vysvobozoval hynoucí duše. Dnes je křižníkem, který verbuje perspektivní osobnosti.