MAILBAG: College Grad Ready to Commit Full-Time to Family

A testimonial shared with permission--

Dear Friends in Christ at "Fix the Family" -

I just wanted to send you a little note thanking you for what you are doing. A brief introduction - I am 24 - soon to be engaged - and just started attending the Latin Mass January of this year with the sweet man I am courting. I graduated college last year 2014 with a degree in piano. I grew up with a strong influence and encouragement from family and friends to get at least a bachelor's degree - with high hopes from everyone of my being a concert pianist, and maybe having a family several years down the road.
I did grow up Catholic and home-schooled, but not with a strong sense of the faith in my own home - and my parents stopped going to Mass a year or two before I went to college. I also fell away from the church in college, but my senior year I began coming back to the church and God slowly began transforming my heart from a cultural/secular outlook to a more conservative/godly one. This year has been the most transformational, and the Latin Mass has been a true gift from God.

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