Macron dissolves French Parliament after crushing defeat

French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved the French parliament after a crushing defeat in the European Elections. In an address to the nation …

A Look Ahead: The Conciliar Church’s Year of Jubilee

A Look Ahead: The Conciliar Church’s Year of Jubilee Does this recent Francis headline point to the coming Communist CBDC system? In this article I discuss this, the false hope of the Modernist's and …More
A Look Ahead: The Conciliar Church’s Year of Jubilee
Does this recent Francis headline point to the coming Communist CBDC system?
In this article I discuss this, the false hope of the Modernist's and more!
A Look Ahead: The Conciliar Church’s Year of Jubilee
Father Karl A Claver
The modernist Pilgrims of Hope should be titled Terrorists of Doom.
Lisi Sterndorfer

‘Help! I am constantly arguing with my Tridentine-rite-loving granddaughter who wants to “turn the …

Many young people express enthusiasm for the old rite and embarrassment at some modern liturgy. In …
Billy F
Out of the mouth of Babes. Her Granddaughter is the future.

Another Document: Does Pope Francis Feel Lonely?

Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday. It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions …More
Cardinal Koch (Ecumenism) and Cardinal Grech (Ex-Synod) will present a "study document" on the papacy next Thursday.
It is entitled "The Bishop of Rome - Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut unum sint". Francis' selective use of John Paul II's encyclicals is remarkable.
In Ut Unum Sint (1995), John Paul II invited leaders and theologians of schismatic and heretical communities to dialogue on how the papal office, exercised in a new way, could serve the cause of unity with schismatics and heretics.
Francis has approved the "study document". According to, a propaganda agency of the German bishops, it deals with papal primacy and [pseudo]synodality.
In line with John Paul II, the document proposes a "renewed form of the papal office that could also be recognised by the other churches". The Pope should meet regularly for consultation with other patriarchs and church leaders [all of them schismatic, heretical or both] on an 'equal footing'. …More
Everyday for Life Canada
Ecumenism is a waste of time. It’s a strategy to employ when your faith is waning. It’s comparative religion. Nothing has come from these meetings, …More
Ecumenism is a waste of time. It’s a strategy to employ when your faith is waning. It’s comparative religion. Nothing has come from these meetings, except for the food and drinks for the participants.
Jeffrey Ade
How do you feel about this?
6 pages
Noahide law: abortion, homo-marriage, theft, murder are all prohibited. Sounds like the Natural Law.
Billy F
If true, bad news!!!
3 more comments
Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimesMore
Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimes

Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimes: Report sent to Cremades …

Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimes: Report sent to Cremades …

Germany’s Exit Polls: Populist AfD Projected to Be Country’s Second Biggest Party

Photo: AfD Alternative für Deutschland Government parties in Germany have been given a kick up the backside by voters …

No Rest for the Wicked - The Catholic Thing

One way to diagnose someone with a bad conscience is to look for a certain form of It does not belong to us. We may try to drown out its voice by a lot of …
Everyday for Life Canada
Great essay by Anthony Esolen.
This June 13, 2024, it will be 95 years since the Virgin Mary requested the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart! Sister Lucy then wrote this request from Heaven to the Pope. It was June 13,…More
This June 13, 2024, it will be 95 years since the Virgin Mary requested the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart! Sister Lucy then wrote this request from Heaven to the Pope. It was June 13, 1929, in his convent in Tuy, Portugal. I mention to you that if this consecration of Russia is not COMPLETELY done within the next 100 years, many things are to be feared. 100 years to the day after the formulation of the official request, we will arrive at Wednesday, June 13, 2029.... Previously, there was the apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Paray-le-Monial, in France. On June 17, 1689, Sister Marguerite-Marie Alacoque put in writing the request of the Sacred Heart to the King of France, so that he dedicates his Kingdom and its arms to her. The successive Kings all turned a deaf ear... 100 years to the day later, on June 17, 1789, the National Assembly of France was founded! The King then lost his powers... It was the effective beginning of the French revolution!!! Heaven knew …More

Fatima Apparition of the Holy Trinity at Tuy (1929-06-13)

It was at this time that Our Lady informed me that the moment had come in which She wished me to make known to Holy Church Her desire for the …
Jeffrey Ade
@Claudius Cartapus Post the link about St. Therese, her wedding invitation is awesome!
Jeffrey Ade
@Claudius Cartapus Thank you for going to the trouble of putting this important article together! And an interesting link, too! Our Lady of Fatima, pray …More
@Claudius Cartapus Thank you for going to the trouble of putting this important article together! And an interesting link, too! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
2 more comments

... 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 .. 🎇 🗽 .. 👉 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24

HERE IS THE LIVE-STREAM-LINK>>> LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24 ... 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 .. 🎇 🗽 .. 👉 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV …More
LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24
... 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 .. 🎇 🗽 .. 👉 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24

France: Le Pen’s National Rally set to trounce Macron’s party in European elections, exit polls say

Speaking to supporters, National Rally list chief Jordan Bardella has said that French people have …
Billy F
Will she do anything? Or is she just like the Classical Liberal Conservatives in the USA who seem to be useless.
Jeffrey Ade
A short edifying article on St. Therese!
5 pages
Billy F
Comedians to the Vatican… While Faithful Catholic Cardinals are routinely blocked…

Pope Francis to Meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Other Top Comedians at Vatican

Pope Francis to Meet Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Other Top Comedians at Vatican Jim Gaffigan, Conan O’Brien, Chris …

Papal obedience

No matter how difficult it is for some of us to obey a Pope like Francis, Heavenly Marian wisdom dictates our obligation...

Meditation on the sin of scandal

Excerpt from “ Meditations for Every Day of the Year; on the principal duties of Christianity ” by Henri Griffet . 1st point. Consider it in itself first. It is not possible, says the Savior, that …More
Excerpt from “ Meditations for Every Day of the Year; on the principal duties of Christianity ” by Henri Griffet .
1st point.
Consider it in itself first. It is not possible, says the Savior, that scandals should not occur, but woe to him through whom they occur;
1°, he commits a sin directly opposed to the Redemption of Jesus Christ, since he causes to perish souls that this Savior God has redeemed with his blood;
2°, he becomes in a way the deputy, the organ and the minister of the Demon, who has been from the beginning the enemy and the homicide of our souls . Note that to commit this sin, it is by no means necessary to have a formal and premeditated design to pervert them; it is enough that we realize that our words and our actions can divert them from the path of salvation: if this motive does not stop you, you are charged before God with all the horror and all the iniquity of sin of scandal.
2nd point. Consider it in its aftermath.
He makes you responsible for all the …More

How the West was lost at Oxford University

By S.R. Piccoli Once upon a time, we were told that the peoples of the Western world — which includes countries like Australia and New Zealand, although located …
Tom Jones
China fears what can destroy it, Pray for the Underground Catholic Church. Pray for the conversion of infidels leading China. Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that You alone created the …More
China fears what can destroy it, Pray for the Underground Catholic Church.
Pray for the conversion of infidels leading China.
Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that You alone created the souls of unbelievers, which You have made according to Your Image and Likeness.
Behold, O Lord, how to Your dishonour many of them are falling into Hell.
Remember, O Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ, Who so generously shed His Blood and suffered for them.
Do not permit that Your Son, Our Lord, remain unknown by unbelievers, but, with the help of Your Saints and the Church, the Bride of Your Son, remember Your mercy, forget their idolatry and infidelity, and make them know Him, Who You have sent, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord,
Who is our salvation, our life, and our resurrection, through Whom we have been saved and redeemed, and to Whom is due glory forever.

The Chinese Communist Party’s War on Catholicism - Providence

In early June, a pastor in China’s Shandong Province was sentenced to five years in prison for printing hymnals and other theological …
E A O'Hora

'...Even if all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride over our stricken nation, let us do our duty to God and country, knowing that even if these evils …

chris griffin
I love the America of "The Greatest Generation" but I despise America today which has legal baby murder, legal homosexual marriage and legal pornography …More
I love the America of "The Greatest Generation" but I despise America today which has legal baby murder, legal homosexual marriage and legal pornography. If that were not enough for Catholics to fight, we have neglected out black brothers and sisters. Only 5% of blacks are Catholic and the black culture is in trouble, deep trouble.
Billy F

True Israel!

Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with …More
Catholicism is post Messianic Judaism. Judaism is Pre Messianic Catholicism. They are in fact the true continuum of True Israel. Talmudic Zionist Jews reject the True Messiah and have nothing to do with True and Eternal Israel. There is no way to the Father without the Son!
John 14:6
Hebrews 8:13
Matthew 21:33-43
1 John 2:22-23
Galatians 6:15-17
Let us also pray for the Jews: That our Lord may illuminate their hearts, that they acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Savior of all men. Almighty and eternal God, who wants that all men be saved and come to the recognition of the truth, propitiously grant that even as the fullness of the peoples enters Thy Church, all Israel be saved. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Modern Talmudic Zionists are now Esau. They rejected their Birthright. They rejected the True Messiah. The Blessing has now been given to others. Catholics are now Jacob. The Mosaic/Sinai Covenant is ended and cannot save you. The Vail was ripped apart, The Temple is destroyed. The 613…More
Dr Bobus
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism. The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to …More
Catholicism is not post Messianic Judaism. Rather, Judaism is the ante-type of Catholicism.
The Mosaic Covenant is not ended, but it was oriented to temporal rather than eternal life. Thus, the moral precepts (Ten Commandments) perdure.
Ivan Tomas
Amen to that, bro William! God bless you and all yours!More
Amen to that, bro William!
God bless you and all yours!
3 more comments

MADNESS: Germany Declines Taliban Offer to Repatriate Afghan Migrants Convicted of Heinous Crimes

The German government has declined an offer from the Taliban to repatriate Afghan migrants convicted of …
Father Karl A Claver
Without God, the West is insane
Edie Loughmiller
The Taliban would probably re-deploy them to murder more innocent victims.
One more comment