
This message is directed to several posters at Gloria. The Bishop of Rome is the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church with over 1.1 billion members. The current pope is named Francis. He will be …More
This message is directed to several posters at Gloria. The Bishop of Rome is the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church with over 1.1 billion members.
The current pope is named Francis. He will be referred to properly as Pope Francis, the Pope or Francis on all News-Briefs articles. For those of you who insist on disrespecting the pope by referring to him as Bergoglio or an heretic or the anti-Christ etc, the News-Briefs articles are not the right place (nor is Gloria.tv).
Remember the Catholic principle: Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur. Further: Gloria.tv News Briefs is dedicated exclusively to articles with news content. Devotional articles or commentaries will not be published there.
By disrespecting the pope, you disrespect the Catholics who are bound to respect Francis as the Vicar of Christ. Furthermore, you also make the life of the members and staff of Gloria.tv difficult who strive to make this site a respectable Catholic website.
Gloria.tv will not be the home for …More
Tamara Rodero
Remember the Catholic principle: Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur. Further: Gloria.tv News Briefs is dedicated exclusively to articles with news content. Devotional articles or commentaries will not be published there.
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Lucecita Ángel
Prayer for the Pope
Christ Jesus, King and Lord of the Church, in your presence I renew my unconditional loyalty to your Vicar on earth, the Pope. In him you have chosen to show us the safe and sure path that we must follow in the midst of confusion, uneasiness, and unrest. I firmly believe that through him you govern, teach and sanctify us; with him as our shepherd, we form the true Church: one, …More
Prayer for the Pope
Christ Jesus, King and Lord of the Church, in your presence I renew my unconditional loyalty to your Vicar on earth, the Pope. In him you have chosen to show us the safe and sure path that we must follow in the midst of confusion, uneasiness, and unrest. I firmly believe that through him you govern, teach and sanctify us; with him as our shepherd, we form the true Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Grant me the grace to love, live and spread faithfully our Holy Father’s teachings. Watch over his life, enlighten his mind, strengthen his spirit, defend him from calumny and evil. Calm the erosive winds of infidelity and disobedience. Hear our prayer and keep your Church united around him, firm in its belief and action, that it may truly be the instrument of your redemption. Amen.
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Good for you! It's nice to read that there is still a little back bone left and being used by people who are themselves Catholic. Please keep up the good work you are doing. Where Peter is so is the Catholic Church.
Hi Gloria.TV-News Briefs
I understand what you are saying. I don't agree with the Pope being a "heretic". I personally do not like the guy but I have always been respectful to him and his office. I believe in calling a spade a spade though; and if the Pope does something against the faith I will call him on it. I am not a follower of Maria Divine Mercy ether. I am a follower of The Catholic Church …More
Hi Gloria.TV-News Briefs

I understand what you are saying. I don't agree with the Pope being a "heretic". I personally do not like the guy but I have always been respectful to him and his office. I believe in calling a spade a spade though; and if the Pope does something against the faith I will call him on it. I am not a follower of Maria Divine Mercy ether. I am a follower of The Catholic Church. I appreciate you writing to me, and if I have a splinter or plank in my eye I am humble enough to acknowledge it I would think. I just find it peculiar that the media and the secular world loves the Pope so much and how he is so lenient with the homosexual lifestyle. Something I find troubling but not enough to call him a heretic though, but certainly I understand our fellow Christians who are outraged by it. God bless.
Clara Inocencia
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Lucecita Ángel
The Peace of Christ be with you all. Thanks gloria.tv
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Gloria.TV – News Briefs
It is about respect for the dignity of the office. Call it deference or common courtesy or simply being polite as you would in treating others with whom you disagree in your personal life.
Those things are absent when several posters at this website repeatedly refer to Francis as an heretic, an anti-Christ and not legitimate. By the way, it's no conincidence that these same posters are …More

It is about respect for the dignity of the office. Call it deference or common courtesy or simply being polite as you would in treating others with whom you disagree in your personal life.

Those things are absent when several posters at this website repeatedly refer to Francis as an heretic, an anti-Christ and not legitimate. By the way, it's no conincidence that these same posters are followers and proponents of the Irish schismatic fraud, MDM.

There are acceptable ways to point out differences and questions in a respectable way and then there's what we've seen here at Gloria.
Flor María
Thanks moderators of gloria.tv for this announcement waited. There are 4 people identified with multiple accounts that promote sedevacantism and fiercely attack to Pope Francis.
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I don't know enough to say he isn't Pope but as a faithful Catholic I believe and know we are to bring his actions to light. If the Pope does something against the faith as Catholics we are allowed to say it is wrong. To do nothing is to except it as truth than! 👌
Is this the same Pope who allowed homosexuals to marry in his diocese? 🤦
Este mensaje se dirige por las varias aportaciones (comentarios) en Gloria. El Obispo de Roma es el líder de la Iglesia Católica en todo el mundo con más de 1,1 mil millones de miembros.
El actual Papa se llama Francisco. Él será denominado correctamente como Papa Francisco, el Papa o Francisco en todos los artículos breves informativos. Para aquellos …More
Este mensaje se dirige por las varias aportaciones (comentarios) en Gloria. El Obispo de Roma es el líder de la Iglesia Católica en todo el mundo con más de 1,1 mil millones de miembros.
El actual Papa se llama Francisco. Él será denominado correctamente como Papa Francisco, el Papa o Francisco en todos los artículos breves informativos. Para aquellos de ustedes que insisten en faltar al respeto al Papa refiriéndose a él como Bergoglio o un hereje o el anticristo, etc, los artículos breves informativos no son el lugar adecuado ( ni es Gloria.tv ).
Recuerden el principio católico: Prima Sedes non iudicatur nemine (la Sede de Pedro no es juzgada por nadie). Además: Gloria.tv en su notas informativas se dedica exclusivamente a los artículos con contenido de noticias. Artículos o comentarios devocionales no serán publicados allí.
A faltar al respeto al Papa, le faltas al respeto a los católicos que están obligados a respetar a Francisco como el Vicario de Cristo. Por otra parte, también se hace la vida de los miembros y el personal de Gloria.tv difíciles en su esfuerzan por hacer de este sitio sitio una web católica respetable.
Gloria.tv no será el hogar para sedevacantistas ni de falsas apariciones por ejemplo, el grupo llamado "Advertencia" .
Los comentarios que no corresponden a estas directrices serán borrados.
Leticia María
What a joy. Happy Easter. 👍 👍 🤗 👏
Silkis Power Ranger
😇 Happy Easter!
Silkis Power Ranger
I'm just happy to see this! 👏 Go ahead Doina & gloria tv staff! Happy Easter to y'all! Francisco (Silkis' brother, from Argentina)
Holy Cannoli
Me too!
Me too!

Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Yes! I like that pic too.
Yes! I like that pic too.

Nice choice of picture for the article.
Nice choice of picture for the article.

A great message of peace Risen Christ. We are a Catholic family who loves emeritus Pope Benedict XVI and his successor Pope Francisco and Vicar of Christ on earth. Thank you very much. Happy Easter to all.
🙏 👏 👏 😇
Deo Gratias
thanks you very much for this article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks God you decide to put it.
God bless you and the Holy Pope and the catholic church and gloria.tv