Thousands of people showed up in Illinois to March for Life.
Returning to the situation in France, it is necessary to highlight the case of several bishops who have publicly pronounced themselves on the outcome of the vote on abortion, the Archbishop of Lyon, …More
Returning to the situation in France, it is necessary to highlight the case of several bishops who have publicly pronounced themselves on the outcome of the vote on abortion, the Archbishop of Lyon, Mgr. Olivier de Germay, stressed the difficulty of expressing oneself on this subject without running the risk of becoming a target of the media. Archbishop Pascal Wintzer, Archbishop of Poitiers, lamented in the daily "La Croix" that "death seems more protected than life is encouraged". The bishops of France had already expressed their opposition to the text of the constitutional amendment, at their November 2023 assembly, in a declaration entitled "Every life is a gift".

ABORTION AND POLITICS - by Archbishop Héctor Agüer

April 17, 2024 The question of abortion continues to be an important object of debate in many countries. The worldwide wave of approval of the "abominable …
chris griffin
The Archbishop forgot the Catechism 2273 "As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of …More
The Archbishop forgot the Catechism 2273
"As a consequence of the respect and protection which must be ensured for the unborn child from the moment of conception, the law must provide appropriate penal sanctions for every deliberate violation of the child's rights."

Can We Help Zoraya?

EPISODE 12 SUMMARY Zoraya ter Beek, a young Dutch woman suffering from depression, is scheduled to be euthanized because her psychiatrist told her that nothing more could be done to …
Josefa Menendez
🙏 🙏 🙏
Bill Maher says the quiet part out loud. “I scold the left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women… they think [abortion] is murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that.…More
Bill Maher says the quiet part out loud. “I scold the left when they say [pro-lifers] hate women… they don’t hate women… they think [abortion] is murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. Isn’t that the pro-choice position?”
A little sadness is enough to commit suicide?

The transgender narrative is continuing to crumble in real time - LifeSite

Mon Apr 15, 2024 - 9:00 am EDTMon Apr 15, 2024 - 11:16 am EDT (LifeSiteNews) — It has been a brutal week for the transgender …
Norman Meunier chose to die after the hospital failed to provide him with the mattress he needed. Why? Because he was made to feel like he was a burden? 💔

Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore | CBC News

Local health authorities are investigating, after Normand Meunier, who has been paralyzed in both arms …
The de-population protocol continues... Just this morning heard of another neighbor who was middle aged who "suddenly died" in the night from a strange …More
The de-population protocol continues... Just this morning heard of another neighbor who was middle aged who "suddenly died" in the night from a strange cancer they thought was manageable with treatment.
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DID YOU KNOW: Pierre Poilievre supports abortion up until the moment of birth? This is your new “conservative” leader, Canada?
Novena - Oremus
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Powerful witness! During the debate in the Polish parliament regarding the expansion of abortion in the traditionally Catholic nation, Jaroslaw Sellin, an opposition MP, made a powerful statement by …More
Powerful witness! During the debate in the Polish parliament regarding the expansion of abortion in the traditionally Catholic nation, Jaroslaw Sellin, an opposition MP, made a powerful statement by bringing a fetus model to the Sejm, expressing his opposition against the bill.

Joe Biden Runs Ads Promoting Abortions Up to Birth After Arizona Court Protects Babies

Joe Biden is running new television ads promoting abortions up to birth on the heels of a ruling by the Arizona …
Father Karl A Claver
Where is the Catholic Church ? Why is this wacko not excommunicated?
Members of the European Parliament have backed a call for the “right to abortion” to be enshrined in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights by 336 votes in favor, 163 against, and 39 …More
Members of the European Parliament have backed a call for the “right to abortion” to be enshrined in the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights by 336 votes in favor, 163 against, and 39 abstentions.

Women must have full control of their sexual and reproductive health and rights | News | European …

In a resolution adopted on Thursday with 336 votes in favour, 163 against and 39 abstentions, MEPs …
Imagine for a Moment if you Will, Our Lord Jesus Christ telling the Women of Jerusalem that Abortion was considered Healthcare.
chris griffin
The child sacrifice of abortion is the only sin that is UNTHINKABLE TO GOD. God says 3 times that it never entered his mind that parents would sacrifice …More
The child sacrifice of abortion is the only sin that is UNTHINKABLE TO GOD. God says 3 times that it never entered his mind that parents would sacrifice a child to death for the sake of the parents' prosperity or convenience....
They have built the high places of Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire—something I did not command, nor did it enter my mind. Jeremiah 7:3.
They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind. Jeremiah 19:5
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. Jeremiah 32:35

Doctors Will Euthanize Healthy 28-Year-Old Woman Just Because She’s Autistic

Rupa Subramanya reported for the Free Press on April 1 that Zoraya ter Beek, an Autistic Dutch woman (28) who is depressed, …
Everyday for Life Canada
Once you legislate the culture if death, it opens the door to many evils. Let’s pray that this woman has a change of heart. Every life is precious.
“If somebody said I had to choose, I would choose having kids.”

Actress Dakota Fanning: Having children is 'more important to me than anything'

If somebody said I had to choose, I would choose having kids. I’m one of those people who has always felt that pull.” Now …
Then choose it!
Ludovic 2Nîm
That’s crazy and the number of autistic peoples is doubling since the last 20 years though. So it’s obviously done in order that peoples doesn’t notice …More
That’s crazy and the number of autistic peoples is doubling since the last 20 years though. So it’s obviously done in order that peoples doesn’t notice the sickness of our society.
Blood sacrifice to demons!
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Make family great again
Matthew Parris says the quiet part out loud about euthanasia: “we simply cannot afford extreme senescence or desperate infirmity for as many such individuals as our society is producing.”
All Saints
What will it take for the USbishops to formally excommunicate this demon? His rabid promotion of Abortion didn’t do it. Will this?
Perhaps he should take his own advice and hurry along his own demise. See what a personally controlled and initiated “hasty” death feels like for …More
Perhaps he should take his own advice and hurry along his own demise. See what a personally controlled and initiated “hasty” death feels like for himself. The world might be a better place afterward.
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Justifying the dismemberment of unborn children as a ‘legal harm’ is a ‘massive mistake’ like defending the Nazi holocaust or slavery, Red Rose Rescuer Laura Gies writes.

Jailed pro-lifer compares abortion to slave hunting and genocide in passionate prison letter - LifeSite

Wed Mar 27, 2024 - 3:38 pm EDTWed Mar 27, 2024 - 5:07 pm EDT WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — As …
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tries to gotcha pro-life Dr. Christina Francis: "Just to be clear, Dr. Francis, you have never had to go to the ER…to perform an abortion for someone who had complications from …More
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tries to gotcha pro-life Dr. Christina Francis: "Just to be clear, Dr. Francis, you have never had to go to the ER…to perform an abortion for someone who had complications from taking [chemical abortion drugs], right?"
Kaitlan, seems manly.. I do not know why.. Sorry, is this one of those transitioning people? Why is it these women want to kill their babies, don't care …More
Kaitlan, seems manly.. I do not know why.. Sorry, is this one of those transitioning people? Why is it these women want to kill their babies, don't care if other women die doing this, just so they can KILL?! God help us in America!
Ann Smith
Looks more like a man in the middle
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Norway bishops: Abortion proposal abandons Christian heritage

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 25, 2024 / 10:30 am Norway’s Council of Catholic Bishops is warning that a proposal to liberalize the country’s …
chris griffin
Norway Bishops proposal abandons the sanctity of life! Instead they say… “withholding recognition of personhood”, “fails to consider the interests …More
Norway Bishops proposal abandons the sanctity of life!
Instead they say…
“withholding recognition of personhood”,
“fails to consider the interests of the preborn child”
a loss to the community”
“abortion is complex.”
“neglecting to acknowledge the preborn child”
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