Gloria TV News. Important Meeting in the Vatican? Vatican Yesterday morning, Pope Benedict XVI held a special meeting with the leaders of the Roman Curia. The Vatican did not disclose the purpose of …More
Gloria TV News.
Important Meeting in the Vatican?
Yesterday morning, Pope Benedict XVI held a special meeting with the leaders of the Roman Curia. The Vatican did not disclose the purpose of the gathering. Pope Benedict has only rarely called together all the heads of Vatican offices, for instance, when he wanted to discuss a major policy issue. The last such meeting of Roman Cardinals took place last November. The content of the discussion was the creation of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelization. The formal announcement of that office came soon after the meeting.
Auxiliary Bishop Declines Nomination
On May 4, Pope Benedict XVI named Father José Aparecido Hergesse to be an auxiliary bishop of the Vitoria archdiocese in Brazil. But less than two weeks later the bishop-elect’s mother suffered a severe stroke. The mother, a widow, now requires constant care. After consulting with the apostolic nuncio, Father Hergesse announced that he would decline the Episcopal …More
Holy Cannoli
Important Meeting in the Vatican?
At 0:29 seconds...very disappointing. A totally unconscious gesture.
Is the Holy Spirit in the Silent Presence of Buddha?
I've come to expect this sort of thing from the Heinies.
Important Meeting in the Vatican?


At 0:29 seconds...very disappointing. A totally unconscious gesture.

Is the Holy Spirit in the Silent Presence of Buddha?


I've come to expect this sort of thing from the Heinies.




Guten morgen, Doina.

In this report is serious idea about Buddha and Allah like religiousness of World under love of Jesus Christ. It is importent information,because the way of Christ is for all people of over world, nor for christians. It is in corespondent with John Paul II.,that did remember,that we all are children's God. Blessed idea. Each belief have Christ. If not,than is near Satan.
Have a nice time.
