Australia: Bishops Approve an Aboriginal Eucharist

Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture. A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on …More
Australia's Bishops have approved a liturgy that includes elements of Aboriginal language and culture.
A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Bishops' Conference in Sydney on Tuesday. It is called the "Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit - Missa Terrae Spiritus Sancti".
The rite will now be submitted to the Dicastery for Divine Worship for official approval by the Vatican, which approves everything that is not Catholic.
The Eucharist has been used in the Diocese of Broome for over 50 years with very mediocre results. It is presided over in several local languages, and was approved in 1973 as a 'culturally adapted' liturgy 'ad experimentum' [that is, for ever].
A local Aboriginal Council described the rite as "a distinctive Mass that beautifully blends Catholic tradition with Aboriginal culture to create a unique celebration of faith [in what?] that has served the diocese for over five decades".
"It symbolises a bridge that connects our spiritual beliefs with the …More
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and …More
I reckon that making these young men do these dances for “special occasions”, essentially for the entertainment of white people, is condescending and patronising to the aboriginal people. These were historically private ceremonies out in the bush, for cultural reasons, now we white people in the Church are misusing these ceremonies inappropriately in Catholic liturgy, outside of their proper cultural context.
Fruit of the liturgy! This is the Bishop with the bandanna on his head. Charges against Australian bishop raise questions about ‘Vos estis’ statement
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Bad Joke: Church Turns into Cinema for Horror Film Parody

St. Patrick's Church in Belfast, Ireland, was turned into a cinema on 7 May to show the film "Young Frankenstein", an American parody of the classic horror film genre with no pretence of serious content. …More
St. Patrick's Church in Belfast, Ireland, was turned into a cinema on 7 May to show the film "Young Frankenstein", an American parody of the classic horror film genre with no pretence of serious content.
The occasion was the 50th anniversary of the film. The £10-a-seat event was sold out. It is officially forbidden to hold chargeable events in churches.
The organisers said: "We can't think of a better venue than the truly gothic St Patrick's Church for this celebration of one of the funniest and most cinematically beautiful films of all time!"
No one disputes that a parody is perfectly suited to a church that makes itself a parody of the Church.
Dr Bobus
How does Young Frankenstein mock God and His Sacrifice?
Father Karl A Claver
When Ireland joined the EU, everything went horrible very quickly.
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"Human Fraternity" 2024: Vatican Foregrounds Homosex Propagandist

The decadent Vatican is teaming up with the 'Fratelli Tutti Foundation' to host the second 'World Meeting on Human Fraternity' (May 10-11). Knowing that nobody is interested in this, the Vatican turns …More
The decadent Vatican is teaming up with the 'Fratelli Tutti Foundation' to host the second 'World Meeting on Human Fraternity' (May 10-11).
Knowing that nobody is interested in this, the Vatican turns the event into a concert hoping to attract people in this way. Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, archpriest of St Peter's, announced the programme at a press conference on 7 May. According to the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, this 2024 event follows on from the supposed "success of last year".
In reality, that first meeting, which took place in June 2023, featured the homosexual dancer Roberto Bolle and was an embarrassing flop in terms of attendance (pictures).
Speakers in 2024 include winners of the discredited Nobel Peace Prize, political activists, economist Jeffrey Sachs and Nelson Mandela's wife Graca Machel Mandela. Francis will lead an event with children in the Vatican's new Synod Hall.
The closing concert on the steps of St Peter's on 11 May will feature Italian composer Giovanni Allevi, …More
Don't foolishly believe that Almighty God will just stand by and allow all this apostasy and blasphemy to continue - without His answering.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's apostasy and his anti-Catholic sect is public. They are so brazen that in broad daylight they defy the Laws of God and Catholic Morals. This …More
Bergoglio's apostasy and his anti-Catholic sect is public.
They are so brazen that in broad daylight they defy the Laws of God and Catholic Morals. This HOMOSEXUAL sect has replaced God and the Church with the false Pope Bergoglio
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Germany: An Archdiocese Sells Heavy Metal Noise as "Church Service"

Mathias Fuchs, a lay pastoral assistant who dresses like a pseudo-priest, presided over a "heavy metal service" on 3 May at St Martin's Church in Bruchsal, Archdiocese of Freiburg, Germany. The …More
Mathias Fuchs, a lay pastoral assistant who dresses like a pseudo-priest, presided over a "heavy metal service" on 3 May at St Martin's Church in Bruchsal, Archdiocese of Freiburg, Germany.
The archdiocese supported the project morally and financially. Freiburg is the archdiocese where Archbishop Georg Gänswein, who was expelled from Rome, resides.
Fuchs explained on the archdiocese's social media account that his show was "not a concert", but a church service with music. This includes singing along, clapping, dancing and 'headbanging'.
According to Fuchs, God is "where it is loud, where people are happy, where they are together". The heavy metal noise was provided by the local band 'Metal GodZ' [a blasphemy?].
His wearing the stole [symbol of priestly ordination] backwards SHOULD have been a tip off.
HELL'S BELLS: Dangers of Rock 'N Roll (Original Classic) ( Blind leading the blind open your eyes before it's too lateMore
HELL'S BELLS: Dangers of Rock 'N Roll (Original Classic) (
Blind leading the blind open your eyes before it's too late

In Lockstep with the Oligarchs: An Austrian Diocese Invents Five Genders (sic)

The electronic baptismal register of the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese in Austria lists three imaginary genders in addition to the two existing ones. When registering a baptism, a priest can choose from five …More
The electronic baptismal register of the Gurk-Klagenfurt diocese in Austria lists three imaginary genders in addition to the two existing ones.
When registering a baptism, a priest can choose from five options:
- male
- female
- mixed
- diverse
- open
- not specified The majority of priests don't even know what the imaginary genders would mean and have never heard of them before their diocese invented them. A priest who complained to the diocesan office responsible for the form was told that the office had "no influence". Since the Second Vatican Council, the diocese of Glurk-Kagenfurt has lost over 40% of its priests and the trend is continuing. #newsPzcaahqeyf
P. O'B
According to a list published last September, there are 81 genders. The Church in this diocese is SO behind the times.

Clowns: Francis Receives Climate Activist Disguised as Tribal Leader

On 8 May, Francis received in private audience Mundiya Kepanga, chief of a tribal community in the Tari region of Papua New Guinea. Francis will visit the country from 6 to 9 September. Mundiya Kepanga …More
On 8 May, Francis received in private audience Mundiya Kepanga, chief of a tribal community in the Tari region of Papua New Guinea.
Francis will visit the country from 6 to 9 September.
Mundiya Kepanga belongs to the Telabo Angi Puria clan, part of the Huli tribe, known previously for magic, witchcraft and cannibalism.
He only appears in his funny dress for photo ops. Otherwise he is an activist for the oligarchs and other champagne socialists, promoting their climate hysteria, often travelling by plane around the world.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Pope meets chief of indigenous community of Papua New Guinea
All Saints
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Ghana's Bishops Advocate Mandatory Conversion Therapy For Homosexuals

While Francis' administration in the Vatican wallows in homosexual fantasies, Ghana's bishops are advocating mandatory conversion therapy for homosexuals. At the end of February, Ghanaian lawmakers …More
While Francis' administration in the Vatican wallows in homosexual fantasies, Ghana's bishops are advocating mandatory conversion therapy for homosexuals.
At the end of February, Ghanaian lawmakers unanimously passed the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act, which makes advertisement for homosexuality illegal and punishable by up to five years in prison. Homosexual acts are already illegal.
President Nana Akufo-Addo has yet to sign the bill into law, under pressure from decadent Western regimes. He said he would wait for a ruling from the Supreme Court before signing the bill. A citizen challenged the constitutionality of the bill.
Ghana's bishops have backed the bill. On Palm Sunday, Bishop Alfred Agyenta of Navrongo-Bolgatanga encouraged President Akufo-Addo to sign the bill into law because it represents the will of the Ghanaian people.
He reminded the President that "it was fear that forced Pilate to give in to the demands of the high priests and those who wanted Jesus Christ …More
Now if we could stop foreign missionaries from raping African boys You listening SSPX
Sean Johnson
It’s the only charitable course of action.
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Carthusian Monastery Goes Green

The Carthusian monastery of St Hugh in Parkminster, West Sussex, England, has announced a huge investment to "protect the environment" and "respect the planet". According to …More
The Carthusian monastery of St Hugh in Parkminster, West Sussex, England, has announced a huge investment to "protect the environment" and "respect the planet".
According to (8 May), 500 photovoltaic panels will be installed to supply their 240-acre site with supposedly 'free', 'clean' and 'silent' solar energy.
The Carthusians of Parkminster are also investing in a battery to store excess electricity for use when the panels are not generating.
Jason Lindfield, director of OHM Energy Solutions, said in a recent interview that the monks' system will pay for itself in less than seven years and seven months (sic).
The expected energy yield is 231,650 kWh with an annual saving of £27,196.
Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDygyslsxxs
P. O'B
Will there be any monks left in seven years and seven months?
They must have got sick of chopping wood.
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Indonesia: Students Attacked While Praying the Rosary (Video)

Armed Muslims attacked twelve Catholic students as they prayed the rosary in a residential area on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. The video of the incident (below), posted by KatolikG on …More
Armed Muslims attacked twelve Catholic students as they prayed the rosary in a residential area on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia.
The video of the incident (below), posted by KatolikG on, went viral on social media on 6 May. The students at Pamulang University in the southern city of Tangerang were conducting a house-to-house rosary on 5 May.
"As a result, two female students were injured and a Muslim man was assaulted for defending the students," said Siprianus Edi Hardum, a Catholic lawyer providing legal assistance to the students.
One of the injured students said that the group praying the rosary was confronted by the local head of the neighbourhood association. He told them: "If you want to pray, go to church, like we Muslims pray in the mosque."
The man left and returned with a mob that attacked the students. The victims were saved from further harm only because other Muslims came to their aid.
Throughout Europe, especially in London and Paris, Muslims pray in …More

Toledo Archbishop Prohibits Priest's Media Activity

Monsignor Cerro Chaves, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain, sanctions Rev. Francisco Delgado for alleged "dissatisfaction with the person and ministry of the Holy Father" which objectively would be justified. …More
Monsignor Cerro Chaves, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain, sanctions Rev. Francisco Delgado for alleged "dissatisfaction with the person and ministry of the Holy Father" which objectively would be justified.
Delgado wrote on (7 May): "By direct order of my archbishop, I am forced to suspend my activity on all networks and to suspend my participation in the media. I am not doing this of my own free will".
The priest defends himself against a "slander" of which he hopes to be able to give more details one day: "In spite of the persecution, I continue to maintain my intention to be faithful to the Church of Christ and to its visible head, who is Pope Francis".
Rev. Delgado was part of the online programme "La Sacristía de la Vendée". In it, several priests who wear cassocks and who have studied together at the then conservative Toledo seminary, joked that Francis, 87, might soon go to heaven, which is a bad wish only for those who have lost Christian faith and hope.
Earlier, the …More
Everyday for Life Canada
The English translation: "By direct order of my Archbishop, I am forced to interrupt activity on all my networks and suspend my participation in the …More
The English translation: "By direct order of my Archbishop, I am forced to interrupt activity on all my networks and suspend my participation in the media. This time I'm not doing it of my own free will. I have no choice but to defend myself against a slander that I hope one day to be able to give details of. Obviously, despite the persecution, I continue to maintain my purpose of being faithful to the Church of Christ and its visible leader, who is Pope Francis. I offer all the sufferings of this situation for the conversion of those who harm the Church, from without and from within."
Everyday for Life Canada
Church censorship is often just as bad as secular censorship. It can be used as a weapon under the guise of obedience.
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Celebrating Latin Mass on an Altar Is Forbidden - Sitting on It Is Allowed

Churches are good for everything except celebrating the Mass according to the Roman Rite, which Francis' Traditionis Custodes wants to "ban". The latest gag: Bettina Filacanavo, 50, a journalist posing …More
Churches are good for everything except celebrating the Mass according to the Roman Rite, which Francis' Traditionis Custodes wants to "ban".
The latest gag: Bettina Filacanavo, 50, a journalist posing as an "art student", sits for three hours on the altar of St Matthias church in Steinhausen, Switzerland. The church was built in the 17th century.
The first session took place on 4 May. It will be repeated on 26 May, with Filacanavo wearing a blue dress with a veil. When she is normal, she works as a spokeswoman for a Protestant aid organisation.
The title of the performance, which depicts Our Lady of Mercy (German: Schutzmantelmadonna) who is protecting people, is "Mothers". The idea - to fight against war and rearmament in Europe - would not be bad if it were not mixed with blasphemy and infantile feminist prejudices. To quote: "Mary, who experienced all this suffering - war, flight, loss of her child - stands in my work as a woman of resistance. She stands for all women who resist …More
Darice Henriques
And liberal Catholics in my country ask why Christians in my country are persecuted and our churches attacked. Well if we are going to allow desecration …More
And liberal Catholics in my country ask why Christians in my country are persecuted and our churches attacked. Well if we are going to allow desecration of our holy altars and churches in my country and worldwide, if we destroyed our own altars and sanctuaries post Vatican II, if we ourselves encourage religious indifferentism and syncretism, why should we be surprised when Catholic churches are attacked by mobs and idols installed and statues vandalised. For the punishment of the sin takes the form of the sin. See Wisdom 11:17 (DRB)
Wisdom11: 16 But for the foolish devices of their iniquity, because some being deceived worshipped dumb serpents and worthless beasts, thou didst send upon them a multitude of dumb beasts for vengeance. 17 That they might know that by what things a man sinneth, by the same also he is tormented.

The First Invalidly Ordained False Deaconess In The World

The world's first invalid deaconess is Harare Angelic Molen. Orthodox Archbishop Serafim of Zimbabwe, who belongs to the Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, invalidly "ordained" her on 2 May. Serafim …More
The world's first invalid deaconess is Harare Angelic Molen. Orthodox Archbishop Serafim of Zimbabwe, who belongs to the Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, invalidly "ordained" her on 2 May.
Serafim told "She will do what the deacon does in the liturgy and all the sacraments in our Orthodox services."
Already in 2016, the Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and the whole of Africa decided to "allow" women to be "deacons". Molen works at St Nektarios Parish in Harare. She studies geography and "environmental sciences".
According to her, "the earth is a sacred (sic) gift from God". She insists that "we must protect it from harm and live in harmony with plants, animals and all living things".
Speaking about her fake diaconal ordination, Molen said, "At first I was nervous about entering the altar, but when Metropolitan Serafim blessed me to enter the altar as part of my preparation this week, those feelings went away and I felt comfortable. I am ready".
The invalid …More
Talk about "not reading the room'! I've known many African priests and they have been all, as those in the effeminate West say - male chauvinists who …More
Talk about "not reading the room'! I've known many African priests and they have been all, as those in the effeminate West say - male chauvinists who defend the patriarchy. Just see the pushback against Francis' "informal, spontaneous gay couple blessings" The Greeks are going to win a lot of converts with this move [NOT]!
Billy F
‘Orthodox’ are not so orthodox!
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Archdiocese of Nairobi "Allows" Polygamous Wedding

The Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya, "allowed" a polygamist, Patrick Ndachu, to marry in a church in Kiambu County on 5 May, reports The archdiocese is headed by Archbishop Philip …More
The Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya, "allowed" a polygamist, Patrick Ndachu, to marry in a church in Kiambu County on 5 May, reports
The archdiocese is headed by Archbishop Philip Anyolo, 67. A priest celebrated the alleged "marriage" between Ndachu and Margaret while Dina, Ndachu's second concubine, was in the pews. Dina agreed to the [pseudo] wedding on the condition that Ndachu divide his property between his two families.
Ndachu and Margaret "married" outside the Church in the 1970s, started a family, and have remained together for more than four decades. Ndachu later "married" Dina in the same way, with whom he also has children.
Local media report that it took five years to get "permission" for the polygamous wedding to take place.
"In the Church it is not allowed to marry two women. But when we are outside, I will announce to the world that I have two wives and I love them both," Ndachu said: "I did not want to hide anything. I asked them [whom?] to allow me to …More
Tony M
In Jorge's New False Church you can have your cake & eat it....First, you can commit any sin you want....or all of them.....then there is no need to …More
In Jorge's New False Church you can have your cake & eat it....First, you can commit any sin you want....or all of them.....then there is no need to repent with a firm purpose of amendment....then we all go off to Heaven when we die. This is wonderful news for all the unrepentant sinners of this world today!!!
Thank you Jorge!!!
But what would Jesus say???
Tony M
This slots very nicely into Jorge Bergoglio's category of an 'irregular union' as per his heretical 'Amoris Laetitia' document. AL 78. "…….When a …More
This slots very nicely into Jorge Bergoglio's category of an 'irregular union' as per his heretical 'Amoris Laetitia' document. AL 78. "…….When a couple in an irregular union attains a noteworthy stability through a public bond – and is characterized by deep affection, responsibility towards the children and the ability to overcome trials – this can be seen as an opportunity where possible, to lead them to celebrate the sacrament of Matrimony”.
It took one Consistory on the Family.....two Synods on the Family.....and finally Amoris Laetitia to bear the fruit of this polygamous situation.
And this poor deceived man is led to believe that all in his life is now right with God.
Thank you Jorge!!!

No Joke: Vatican Praises Traditional Teachings and Rituals

The Vatican's Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, headed by Cardinal Miguel Ayuso Guixot, sent a message on 6 May to Buddhists celebrating 'Vesak', a festival commemorating Buddha's birth, enlightenment …More
The Vatican's Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, headed by Cardinal Miguel Ayuso Guixot, sent a message on 6 May to Buddhists celebrating 'Vesak', a festival commemorating Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing [i.e.: descent into hell].
The message expresses the belief that Christians and Buddhists can work together to promote peace, reconciliation and resilience, "values deeply rooted in our respective religious traditions". In real life, there is no way to peace without Christ, the Prince of Peace.
It even speaks of the "noble teachings of our respective traditions" and believes that "the rituals and worship appropriate to our respective religious traditions" promote reconciliation and resilience.
In reality, Buddhist ideas are wrong and their rituals are demon worship, while the Vatican fights against "the rituals and worship" according to the Roman Rite, which originated with Christ and the apostles.
The message quotes Paul VI, Desmond Tutu, Buddha, St Paul and St Francis (…More
Sally Dorman shares this
Vatican message to Buddhists: “The noble teachings of our respective traditions, and the exemplary lives lived by those whom we revere, bear witness …More
Vatican message to Buddhists: “The noble teachings of our respective traditions, and the exemplary lives lived by those whom we revere, bear witness to the abundant benefits of reconciliation and resilience,” wrote the prefect and secretary of the dicastery. “Reconciliation and resilience unite to form a potent synergy that heals past wounds, forges strong bonds, and makes it possible to meet life’s challenges with fortitude and optimism.”
In the mind of Francis he is greeting his Tibetan brother bishop.
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Climate Apostle Francis: States Must Coerce Citizens

In another pointless private audience, Pope Francis gave another pointless interview to "La Freccia" (May 4), the free on-board magazine of the Italian railways. Apparently, Francis is an advertising …More
In another pointless private audience, Pope Francis gave another pointless interview to "La Freccia" (May 4), the free on-board magazine of the Italian railways. Apparently, Francis is an advertising partner of the company.
He reiterated his regret that he cannot use public transport as he did in Argentina: "Today it's one of the habits I miss the most (sic)". The reality: The Vatican has a train station, and Francis could reach all his many destinations in Italy by train, but he prefers private helicopters.
One semi-interesting statement was his call for a climate state religion. He believes that "everyone" should "change their lifestyle" and that governments have "not done enough" to promote climate hysteria.
"The whole of society [who is "society"?] must exert healthy pressure, because it is up to every family to think that the future of their own sons and daughters is at stake."
"Healthy pressure" is another word for state terror, a method used by Bergoglio in the Vatican.
Interestingly …More
Boanerges Boanerges
The false prophet is apostle of Antichrist's One world order
Michi Gini
"Apparently, Francesco is an advertising partner of the company." It's normal, even Cardinal Mauro Gambetti and Father Enzo Fortunato are friends of …More
"Apparently, Francesco is an advertising partner of the company."
It's normal, even Cardinal Mauro Gambetti and Father Enzo Fortunato are friends of Italian railways...…il-vaticano-cosa-fa-gambetti-lo-viene-in-fabbrica/
And then whoever wrote the article happens to work for Italian railways and for the convent of Assisi (where Cardinal Gambetti and Father Fortunato come from), it is now also in the communication of the Fratelli Tutti Foundation of Cardinal Mauro Gambetti…/uploads/2024/04/Comunicato-stampa_19.4.2024-1.pdf (read the last page)
A carousel...
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Brazil’s Largest Basilica Inaugurates Huge Rupnik Artwork

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil, will inaugurate on 11 May the mosaics of its southern façade, all created by Father Marko Rupnik. The Sanctuary is the largest shrine in Brazil and the …More
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil, will inaugurate on 11 May the mosaics of its southern façade, all created by Father Marko Rupnik.
The Sanctuary is the largest shrine in Brazil and the second largest church in the world after St Peter's.
The south façade is the second of the church's four façades to be covered with Father Rupnik's artefacts. The northern facade is Rupnik's largest work to date, covering an area of 40,000 m2. It has been unveiled to the public in March 2022.
Francis consistently protects Rupnik, who was credibly accused of fornicating with dozens of nuns. He was very briefly excommunicated and immediately recycled by Francis as a Vatican Lenten preacher.
One of his victims, Gloria Branciani, had a nine-year affair with Rupnik which she now describes as a "descent into hell". She told (30 April) that "with Rupnik, the sexual dimension cannot be separated from the creative experience". According to her, "when he portrayed me, he explained that I …More
Louis IX
What a waste of money and effort. They could have commissioned something beautiful.

Rev. John Hunwicke RIP - A Victim of Prefect Arthur Roche?

Rev. John Hunwicke, an Oxford scholar, linguist, and former Anglican parson who became a Catholic priest in 2012 for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, died on April 30, after a battle with …More
Rev. John Hunwicke, an Oxford scholar, linguist, and former Anglican parson who became a Catholic priest in 2012 for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, died on April 30, after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
Since 2022, his ill health and heart made it difficult for him to walk and breathe. He was a highly learned, truly listening and kind man who showed deep respect even for his theological enemies. In his spare time, he could be found reading the classics and Latin and Greek poetry.
For thirty years, he taught Latin and Greek. He described himself as stern teacher but he was also humorous and entertaining. Rev. Hunwicke used his erudition to defend the Roman Rite. Before the failed Novus Ordo was introduced, Hunwicke learned the Roman Rite when he still was an Anglican seminarian at St Stephen's House in Oxford.
Joseph Shaw, president of the English Latin Mass Society, writes in an obituary that Hunwicke, then an Anglican parson, joined the society as a friend, since only …More
Darice Henriques
May his soul rest in peace
Mary K Jones
Oh, please Eva. Replay more of his interviews if you have some. He became a dear friend when I met him in 2015 and I will seriously miss him. Of course …More
Oh, please Eva. Replay more of his interviews if you have some. He became a dear friend when I met him in 2015 and I will seriously miss him. Of course I pray that he will RIP.
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Requiem for Traditionis Custodes: Roman Rite Is Alive

The Institute of Christ the King (ICRSS) regularly celebrates Pontifical Masses around the world. Examples from Eastertide (pictures below): - Cardinal Rouco Varela, 87, former Archbishop of Madrid, …More
The Institute of Christ the King (ICRSS) regularly celebrates Pontifical Masses around the world. Examples from Eastertide (pictures below):
- Cardinal Rouco Varela, 87, former Archbishop of Madrid, Spain, celebrated at the Colegiata in Madrid.
- Monsignore Glen John Provost, 74, Bishop of Lake Charles, USA, celebrated at the Seminary of Christ the King in Gricigliano, Italy (1 May).
- Cardinal Raymond Burke, 75, celebrated a Pontifical Mass on Easter Sunday at the Church of Saints Michel and Gaëtan in Florence, Italy.
- Cardinal Burke celebrated with the Cappa Magna at St Leo Oratory Church, Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, on the feast of the patron saint, 11 April.
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness cannot be stopped!
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Communion with the Hand - But Not for the Dog

An altar server at San Dominic Savio Parish, Archdiocese of Bogotá, Colombia, observed in April during Communion that a woman was taking the host with her hands, bringing it back to the pews and sharing …More
An altar server at San Dominic Savio Parish, Archdiocese of Bogotá, Colombia, observed in April during Communion that a woman was taking the host with her hands, bringing it back to the pews and sharing it with her pet which was with her in the church.
At least the dog didn't take the communion with his paw. In his sermon on 28 April (video below), the parish priest, Reverend Laureano Barón, called it a "sacrilege" and urged the anonymous woman to go to confession with the bishop, who alone can absolve this "grave" sin in confession.
Rev. Barón has nothing against it when the faithful take communion with their hand, but they should put it into their mouth in front of the priest. He also mentioned a mother who took a piece of her host and gave it to her little boy, who had asked for it "to know what it tastes like". Strangely, the priest is surprised: "It seems that we do not understand that we are facing the greatest miracle in the world".
But then, Barón himself distributes communion …More
Simon North
In the document whereby the hapless Paul VI permitted Communion in the hand, he nevertheless urged the faithful to continue the ancient tradition of …More
In the document whereby the hapless Paul VI permitted Communion in the hand, he nevertheless urged the faithful to continue the ancient tradition of Communion on the tongue. Another consideration is the fact that Paul's refusal to discipline those bishops and priests who were promoting Communion in the hand, despite this deviation being in disobedience to the laws of the Church, led to his being forced to give permission for the practice. And as Aquinas teaches: nothing. born in disobedience to the Church will bear fruit.
Billy F
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Anglican Lay Priest Publishes Picture of Invalid Orthodox Deaconess

Robin Ward, an Anglican author, lay priest and Rector of St Stephen's House, Oxford, published on (2 May) a picture of a woman dressed as a "deacon" distributing communion at an Orthodox …More
Robin Ward, an Anglican author, lay priest and Rector of St Stephen's House, Oxford, published on (2 May) a picture of a woman dressed as a "deacon" distributing communion at an Orthodox service in Zimbabwe.
The church, whose location is unclear, is said to belong to the tiny Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa under Greek-born Theodore II (Nikolaos Khoreftakis), who also likes to call himself "Pope".
The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria introduced deaconesses in November 2016 under the pretext of reviving an "ancient practice" that in reality never existed. Much less is it an "ancient practice" for a deacon, not even a validly ordained one, to distribute Holy Communion.
The Orthodox are self-governing churches. So everyone does what they want. This is why many Orthodox groups are at odds with each other.
These two are both laywomen, it is not possible to force God to turn a woman into a female bishop/priest/deacon.
Wilma Lopez
It seems apparent that the Moscow patriarchate will completely overtake the Constantinople patriarchate. It’s a matter of time.