Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014 Conspiracy Theory: Pro-gay cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, has claimed during a visit in …More
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014
Conspiracy Theory: Pro-gay cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, has claimed during a visit in Spain that – quote – “the Pope could be in danger because some may have the intention to eliminate him.” He did not elaborate but added mysteriously that in some parts of the Vatican there is resistance against Pope Francis’ liberal agenda. Gloria.tv asks Coccopalmerio whether he considers every critic of Pope Francis’ policies a potential murderer.
I Do Not Want Believers: Coccopalmerio specifically attacked the Cardinals Burke, Rodé, Pell, De Paolis and Müller. He called them people who are very convinced about what they think and who fear that doctrinal principles could suffer damage. In opposition to that he praised the late pro-gay Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini stating that the Pope and Martini share the same vision of the person. Coccopalmerio quoted Martini: “I do not want believers, I …More
@Dr Bobus: What makes me wonder about the liberals in the Church is that they have run the Church in the last forty and although this has led to the biggest disaster in Church history they seem unable to learn from their mistakes.
There is only one choice my dear Dr. Bobus... Obey God rather than men.
Doctor and Saint of the Church Robert Bellermain said we should not obey rather resist whoever preaches heresy.
The Bible shows that wolves shouldn't be followed...
First and it is not come as a surprise by anyone here in Gloria where I stand my dear doctor Bobus, whether you believe it or not, this pope is not a pope, he is …More
There is only one choice my dear Dr. Bobus... Obey God rather than men.

Doctor and Saint of the Church Robert Bellermain said we should not obey rather resist whoever preaches heresy.

The Bible shows that wolves shouldn't be followed...

First and it is not come as a surprise by anyone here in Gloria where I stand my dear doctor Bobus, whether you believe it or not, this pope is not a pope, he is not even Catholic.

Every law within the Church, this man has broke before he was invalidly elected... He authorize the "Curas Villeros" (Curas is one of 3 names that a priest is called popularly a priest) to give the Eucharist to all in the Argentina slumps despite their Spiritual situation (what do we have in door number 1 Bob... Bergoglio have won a Heresy), this man committed another heresy by abusing the mass with a condemned dance... tango (Remember, tango was condemned by Pious X) He disobeyed Benedict in every turn, and when in Rome, put His legacy to the mud bit by bit.

And that is before when he was a Bishop... there has been 37 antipopes... and all of them were bad! But in the words of cardinal Pell I believe, when he, in one of his homilies, Kept referring to the 37 antipopes and Francis, and, if I'm not mistaken, he said that his papacy is "unusual."

37 antipopes and the word "unusual" is rather interesting in a phrase altogether... but let's say what Francis of Assisi said in his prophecy:

Sanctity of life will be held in derision (mockery) even by THOSE who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor BUT A DESTROYER...

'We talk too much about abortion, contraception and homosexuality.'- Pope Francis.

So, my dear Dr. I don't know about you... but man has dismantled tradition like no other pope in history and that for me is anti-pope material, or better said not a true pastor but a Destroyer.
Libor Halik
7.11.2014 Astana auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider has criticized the Synod of Bishops. Quote: “In the sections on homosexuality and “divorced and remarried” the text represents a radical neo-pagan ideology.” Or: “This is the first time in Church history that such a heterodox text was actually published as a document of an official meeting of Catholic bishops under the guidance of a pope.”More
7.11.2014 Astana auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider has criticized the Synod of Bishops. Quote: “In the sections on homosexuality and “divorced and remarried” the text represents a radical neo-pagan ideology.” Or: “This is the first time in Church history that such a heterodox text was actually published as a document of an official meeting of Catholic bishops under the guidance of a pope.” Schneider calls the preliminary document – quote - a “real shame” that shows to which extent the anti-Christian world has penetrated important levels of the hierarchy. Quote: “This document will remain for future generations and historians a black mark which has stained the honour of the Apostolic See.” Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014
Dr Bobus
The pope is a Jesuit, and Jesuits have always seen everything through through their own Jesuit cipher. And so as the Jesuits are going down the drain, they want to take the Church with them.
Unworthy, you seem to think there are only two choices: Anti-pope or completely supporting every papal policy. There have been several popes in history who were not good, but that doesn't mean they were anti …More
The pope is a Jesuit, and Jesuits have always seen everything through through their own Jesuit cipher. And so as the Jesuits are going down the drain, they want to take the Church with them.

Unworthy, you seem to think there are only two choices: Anti-pope or completely supporting every papal policy. There have been several popes in history who were not good, but that doesn't mean they were anti-popes.

Two things I like about this pope: First, he doesn't seem to genuflect to Vat II as soon as he gets up every morning. Second, the silly requirement that the SSPX sign a document that they accept Vat II (whatever that means) seems to have been dropped.
Yep... this is why I have labeled you guys cheerleaders, for you is not liberalism, is called 'mercy'
Pope destroyer here is an antipope, whether you believe it or not, and I at this point don't care about anyone's allegiance to this destroyer, St Francis foretold this destruction.
But don't care, catholics that are FOR this pope don't recognize what is right from left...
'Oh yes, he does and says …More
Yep... this is why I have labeled you guys cheerleaders, for you is not liberalism, is called 'mercy'

Pope destroyer here is an antipope, whether you believe it or not, and I at this point don't care about anyone's allegiance to this destroyer, St Francis foretold this destruction.

But don't care, catholics that are FOR this pope don't recognize what is right from left...

'Oh yes, he does and says things that I don't understand but he is my pope'

Sad, very sad...

I was never a follower of a pope, but I DID loved JPII, I loved and still do pope Benedict, but this antipope is a wolf in sheep clothing and the bible is clear about those...

Soon you'll be doing procesion with transvestite and have those little 'get together' in the social hall with gay couples in the Church doing bonding and sharing the gifts they have to offer... 🤮

And all of you Francis followers then will call upon God to make this man a Saint while alive... Sad indeed.

Say whatever you want francis cheerleader, even autists have one thing, they were born with a deficiency, you guys became what you are with your effort.
By the way, in this Sinod, I understand Burke's position more than Kaspers
Unworthy: As a catholic, I am supporter of the Pope, not as a human being or not for what he says or do. I have cheerlead JPII and Benedict XVI.
In my ordinary live I already live the effects of people who send out 'alerts' against me. 'AUTISM' is the alert (that is why my nick reads'no to autism'. People are very sure of their judgemnt and support each other. I respect your individual views and …More
Unworthy: As a catholic, I am supporter of the Pope, not as a human being or not for what he says or do. I have cheerlead JPII and Benedict XVI.
In my ordinary live I already live the effects of people who send out 'alerts' against me. 'AUTISM' is the alert (that is why my nick reads'no to autism'. People are very sure of their judgemnt and support each other. I respect your individual views and had given mine, presuming I have freedom of speech.
Do not alert against me
Do not alert catholics against their Pope!
Francis Cheerleader alert!!!
Abramo, you should look at the satanists, they are rolling lately...
I thought that I would never lived to see how the beginning of the end would unfold, when I was a child those paragraphs out of the bible were forbidden for us to read, but every now and then a cousin, a friend a relative talked about it, andnow your seen the beginning of the end for the Holy temple in Rome, la Salette's prophecy …More
Abramo, you should look at the satanists, they are rolling lately...

I thought that I would never lived to see how the beginning of the end would unfold, when I was a child those paragraphs out of the bible were forbidden for us to read, but every now and then a cousin, a friend a relative talked about it, andnow your seen the beginning of the end for the Holy temple in Rome, la Salette's prophecy is unfolding slowly but steady in that direction, and as some of us since long has said from the start of his dubious election, the target has been all along, the Eucharist... once you give the Eucharist to the unrepentant, the 3rd abomination of desolation gets fulfilled, paving the way for the fourth, the Antichrist standing in the Holy temple.

Every bit of prophecy from the past is been unfolding left from righy, and that uncatholi see which has prophesied since 2010, that SIN would be declared no more, that Benedict would be ousted, and the abomination of desolation would happen during this man, that the poor would be focused as the main
thing for this man and THE MEANING OF HOLY SCRIPTURE WOULD BE TWISTED AND THE TRUTH TO BE NO MORE... has bee fulfilling in our very eyes...

But some would say, 'your a leaglist, cabalist', or 'what your saying is dangerous because if true then there's no church anymore, is that what you want?'

Faith and trust in the Lord is our only salvation, the desert awaits.
With my respects to Bishop Athanasios, the document that has nothing against the Doctrine, and to adjudicate a 'political' intention to it and judge it to the public is like a parent turning to his children to critisise their spouse in the middle of a discussion between them. Everybody understands the difficult moment the Church is in but we should trust in God
By now, Catholics have understood the danger of theological liberalism. They will not change only because now liberalism is preached from the Vatican. Is there any example that liberalism has led to the renewal of any church?
Fiel al Evangelio
This is nothing about confidence because the Bible teaches us that we must only have confidence in God not in man, even the Bible said curse be the man who put his trust in men because we are no idolotars the problem with Bergoglio is all about heresies.
"Catholics are losing confidence in him"
That's an understatement!
God Bless this son of thunder!
Astana auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider