Pope Benedict XVI: faithful to Christ and the Church. The Gospel radicalism proper to the consecrated life finds expression in filial communion with the Church, the home of the children of God, built …More
Pope Benedict XVI: faithful to Christ and the Church.

The Gospel radicalism proper to the consecrated life finds expression in filial communion with the Church, the home of the children of God, built by Christ. These were the words of the Pope during a Friday morning meeting with young women religious at the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 50 km from Madrid. The Holy Father explained to the around 1600 religious the importance of communion with the Pastors of the Church who set forth in the Lord's name the deposit of faith received from the apostles, the ecclesial Magisterium and the Christian tradition; communion with your own religious families as you gratefully preserve their authentic spiritual patrimony while valuing other charisms; and c ...