Top 5 Travel Attractions, Verona. geobeats on Aug 13, 2010 Number 3: Churches. Given its deep heritage and history, Verona has great churches. Visitors can experience historic buildings that date back …More
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Verona.

geobeats on Aug 13, 2010 Number 3: Churches. Given its deep heritage and history, Verona has great churches. Visitors can experience historic buildings that date back many hundreds of years.

Number 2: Piazza Erbe. Said to be among the most beautiful piazzas of Italy, this was the center of city life in Roman times and continues to be so even today.

Number 1: Ampitheatre. Verona is known worldwide for music, and particularly its ampitheatre. Built in the first century AD, it offers a wonderful experience for concert goers.
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Top 5 Travel Attractions, Verona (Italy)
Number 3: Churches. Given its deep heritage and history, Verona has great churches. Visitors can experience historic buildings that date back many hundreds of years.
Number 2: Piazza Erbe. Said to be among the most beautiful piazzas of Italy, this was the center of city life in Roman times and continues to be so even today.
Number 1: Ampitheatre. Verona is …More
Top 5 Travel Attractions, Verona (Italy)
Number 3: Churches. Given its deep heritage and history, Verona has great churches. Visitors can experience historic buildings that date back many hundreds of years.

Number 2: Piazza Erbe. Said to be among the most beautiful piazzas of Italy, this was the center of city life in Roman times and continues to be so even today.

Number 1: Ampitheatre. Verona is known worldwide for music, and particularly its ampitheatre. Built in the first century AD, it offers a wonderful experience for concert goers.