VATICANO - Not a Legalistic Gospel of the Family. The extraordinary Synod of Bishops is over, but the discussion is still ongoing. Bishops and Cardinals voice their opinions in the media as they prepare …More
VATICANO - Not a Legalistic Gospel of the Family.

The extraordinary Synod of Bishops is over, but the discussion is still ongoing. Bishops and Cardinals voice their opinions in the media as they prepare for next year’s Synod about the same topic – the Family and the Church. In Rome’s Lateran University there’s a center specialized on family ethics and sexuality – the “The Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.” Prof. Stephan Kampowski has recently published a book. The forward, written by Cardinal Pell, addresses the “way of penance.” This idea was spread mostly by Cardinal Kasper in a speech during the consistory. It’s about preparing civilly “divorced” and “remarried” to receive communion.